
The fall of Petropavlovsk: how the gold miner came to delisting

Petropavlovsk (MCX: POGR, LSE: POG) - British holding, owning a large gold miner with assets in the Amur Region, «Petropavlovsky». The company's depositary receipts have been traded on the London Stock Exchange since 2002., and with 2020 — at Moscow.

Drug and Software Development: invest in Schrodinger

Schrodinger IncSDGR31,06 $ Schrodinger (NASDAQ: SDGR) - American company, which is engaged in both software development for drug development, as well as drug development. The company is unprofitable and, of course, Promising.

Investments in HAL and SLB: need more black gold

HalliburtonHAL $26.86 Buy SchlumbergerSLB $30.94 Buy Baker HughesBKR25.88 $ Halliburton (NYSE: THING) and Schlumberger (NYSE: SLB) one of the oldest oilfield service companies in the world.

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