Investidea: FleetCor, because everything is on the cards

FleetCor Technologies IncFLT212,51 $ Today we have a moderately speculative idea with a touch of conservatism: take shares of payment solutions provider FleetCor Technologies (NYSE: FLT), in order to earn on a positive conjuncture for the company.

Investidea: Schlumberger, because it's time to rock

SchlumbergerSLB37,00 $ Today we have a moderately speculative idea.: take shares of the oilfield service company Schlumberger (NYSE: SLB), in order to make money on the growth of investments in oil production.

China sells US government bonds to a 12-year low.

China government bonds Chinese authorities for the fourth month in a row systematically reduce investments in US government bonds. In fact, we are talking about reducing investments in the US national debt..

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