Tinkoff bought back the blocked assets of its BPIF in dollars for half a billion rubles

11 августа на Московской бирже возобновятся торги паями фонда «Вечный портфель USD»

Tinkoff bought back the blocked assets of its BPIF in dollars for half a billion rubles

Tinkoff bought back the blocked assets of its BPIF in dollars for half a billion rubles

Тинькофф Вечный портфель USDTUSD0,11 $

Also, the investment bank will restore its work in dollars. About 200 thousand customers of the bank have this., more than 2 billion rubles are on their accounts.

Trading in units of the Eternal Portfolio USD Fund has not been held since the end of February. At first, the Moscow Exchange did not work, and in March, the assets of Russian investors were frozen after, how European depositories Euroclear and Clearstream blocked the accounts of the National Settlement Depository (NSD), which took into account the securities of Russian investors. These assets cannot be traded, you can not receive coupons and dividends on them.

The Central Bank estimated the volume of foreign securities of Russian investors, who were blocked in the NSD, in 6 trillion rubles. If you look only at mutual funds, at the end of May, the assets of 2.7 million shareholders totaling 379 billion rubles were blocked in them. ANALYSTS at ITI Capital estimated the blocked assets of Russian residents at 1.8 trillion rubles, or about $27 billion, mostly stocks.

How was the buyback of frozen assets

Биржевой фонд в долларах «Вечный портфель USD» инвестирует в четыре актива в равных долях: stock, long-term and short-term bonds, as well as gold. The NSD stored 11,2% чистых активов фонда на сумму более 500 млн рублей. When NSD's accounts were blocked, these assets were also frozen.

Вот как разблокировали доступ к активам этого БПИФ:

  1. На организованных торгах Тинькофф Банк выкупил у своего фонда «Вечный портфель USD» замороженные активы, хранившиеся в НРД. Сделка прошла по рыночным ценам на дату ее совершения, the bank paid more than 500 million rubles.
  2. На полученные деньги фонд купил те же ценные бумаги, но теперь они хранятся непосредственно в Euroclear и Clearstream. Это снижает риск их повторной блокировки. Теперь торги этими бумагами будут запущены на Мосбирже.

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