
sometimes, understand, too involved in the game, you need to step back and look at yourself and the world from the outside. Sometimes this is preceded by an internal crisis., rejection or misunderstanding of the situation. We often associate ourselves with only one side of our life., focusing too much on it. Consequently, failures in this sector affect our overall health. IN 1908 year, based on experiments, the Yerkes-Dodson law was formulated, that the effect of motivation on outcome is domed schedule. In other words, overmotivation is just as bad for achieving a goal, as well as lack of incentives. Similar things can be found in modern psychological and “about” literature. Zeland tries to explain this on the energy level, the existence of some balancing forces. Explanation, maybe, controversial, but the essence is stated correctly, as well as the recipe – calmly move your legs towards the target. In modern psychotherapy, there is a concept “coping” – willingness to seek or have something. There are very specific techniques. Main question, to which we must answer – do we deserve what we want? Why? Imagine, what do you stand in front of the sponsor (this technique is described by professor Kovalev), and he says: OK then, I will fulfill your wish, but you have to prove to me, by what right do you claim this. Answer, By the way, very simple…
I just wanted to share this lyrical digression with readers., like me who are in search and do not pretend to absolute knowledge of the truth. It is very useful sometimes to disassociate from reality., involvement in the process, revise, re-read, overestimate. Stephen Covey has a sketch, how a group of people makes their way through the jungle: someone is wielding a machete, someone sharpens them, someone organizes the process… And the man sitting on the tree shouts – this is not the jungle, to which he is indignantly answered – shut up, we are confidently moving forward!!!

  analytical blind spot
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