MET : MetLife

metlife1MetLife, Inc (MetLife), зарегистрирована в 1999 year, is a provider of insurance and other financial services with operations in the United States, and in the regions of Latin America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Through national and international subsidiaries and affiliates, she offers life insurance, пенсий, automobile and residential buildings, insurance, розничные банковские и другие финансовые услуги частным лицам, as well as collective insurance, reinsurance and retirement and savings products and services for corporations, as well as other institutions. MetLife operates in four segments: Институциональные, индивидуальное, international and auto & Home, as well as corporate & other. In May 2008 years MetLife Bank, NA, division of the company, completed acquisition of EverBank Reverse Mortgage LLC, from his parents, EverBank Финансовые Corp. EverBank Reverse Mortgage will be a subsidiary of MetLife Bank. In May 2009, the Company sold Cova Corp., which is the parent company of Texas Life Insurance Co., to a third party.


In the institutional segment, the company offers a variety of group insurance and retirement and savings products and services for corporations and other institutions and their employees. The group of insurance products and services includes a group of life insurance, не-медицинской продукции медицинского страхования и связанных с административными службами, а также другие льготы и услуги, such, as an employer sponsored auto and homeowner insurance are provided through Auto & main segment and prepaid legal services plans . Немедицинские медицинского страхования состоит из продуктов, such, like accidental death and dismemberment (AD & D), long term care (LOK), short and long term disabilities, income of individuals with disabilities, стоматологическую страховку, и предоплаченные юридические услуги. MetLife Group offers insurance products as an employer of paid benefits or benefits, as voluntary, in which all or part of the bonus is paid to the employee. Its retirement and savings products and services include a range of annuity and investment products, в том числе определены планы с установленными взносами, guaranteed percentage of products and other products of stable value, savings and pension income, and separate contracts account for managing defined benefit investments and defined contribution plan assets.

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A separate segment of MetLife offers a variety of asset protection and accumulation products, focused on meeting the financial needs of their clients throughout their entire life cycle. Products offered include selected insurance products, such, as traditional, variables and universal life insurance, а переменные и фиксированные аннуитеты. Besides, selected sales representatives to distribute disability insurance and LTC insurance products, offered through the Institutional segment, инвестиционные продукты, такие как паевые инвестиционные фонды, as well as other products, offered by other enterprises of the Company. Individual Major Distribution Channels Group Agency Distribution and Independent Distribution Groups. Customized also distributes products through several additional distribution channels, в том числе Walnut Street Securities, Inc (Walnut Street ценных бумаг), MetLife ресурсов, Securities Tower, Inc (Tower Securities Square) и Техас Life Insurance Company (Texas life).


International provides life insurance against accidents and health insurance, страхование кредитов, pensions and pensions and savings products as individuals, and in groups. The company's strategy is focused on emerging markets mainly in Latin America, Европе и Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионах. MetLife operates internationally through its subsidiaries and joint ventures. The company operates in the Latin America region in the countries, включая Мексику, Chile, Argentina, Бразилии и Уругвая. Operations in Mexico, Чили и Аргентины представлено 82% of the total amount of insurance premiums and fees in this region in 2008 year. MetLife действует в Европе в странах, включая Соединенное Королевство, Belgium, Польша и Ирландия. The company operates in the Asia-Pacific region in countries, включая Южную Корею, Taiwan, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong and China. Operations in South Korea and Taiwan amounted to 70% of the total amount of insurance premiums and fees in this region in 2008 year.

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Auto & главную

Auto & Home, working through the Metropolitan's property and accident insurance company and its subsidiaries (ПДК), offers personal property and lines of accident insurance directly to the workplace of his employer's employees, as well as to individuals through various retail distribution channels, including agencies Mailing group, независимые агенты, property and injured professionals and direct response marketing. Auto & home mainly sells auto insurance, which represents 69% from Auto & home Total net bonuses earned for the year, ended 31 December 2008 of the year, и домовладельцев и других видов страхования, which make up 31% from Auto & home Total net bonuses earned in 2008 year. Auto Products & home insurance include auto, housing, tenants, condominiums and housing, и других личных линий.

Corporate & Other

Corporate & other contains surplus capital not allocated to business segments, which are invested in order to optimize investment distribution and investment fund initiatives, different primary education, MetLife банка, которое включает в себя 2008 Residential Mortgage Acquisition and Business Maintenance and Reverse Mortgage Company, and goods persons. Corporate & others also includes interest expenses, associated with most of her debts and expenses, related to a specific legal procedure. The liquidation of all cross-segment transactions with activities between segments occurs within the framework of corporate & other.

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