How to Improve Your Mental Abilities?



The human brain is an amazing organ. It is the most accessible and at the same time the most complex "device" in the Universe..

Argued, as if we use the capabilities of the brain on everything 5-10%. Neuroscientists have different attitudes to this statement.: someone agrees, and someone is categorically against. But both are unanimous in that, that mental abilities can and should be trained.

We offer you several techniques, which will help to "pump" the brain.


  • Aerobic exercise. It's an exercise., where oxygen is the main source of energy. Aerobic training strengthens muscles, normalize blood circulation, relieve stress. And a recent university study from the University of Illinois also showed, that "oxygen" exercise has a beneficial effect on the brain. Total 30 minutes of training per day, and the work of cognitive functions improves on 5-10%.
  • Strength exercises. Pitching is blunt? As if it wasn't so! Lifting weights doesn't just build muscle, but also able to increase the level, so-called, neurotrophic factor of the brain, that is, protein, responsible for protecting neurons in the brain.
  • Music. Другое исследование установило, that the brain is starting to work better, if you listen to your favorite music during training. So choose the right music to run and go for genius..
  • Dancing. It's a great way to keep yourself in shape., improve plasticity and coordination. Furthermore, according to the doctor of medicine, neurophysiologist and neuropsychiatrician, author Books - "A Great Brain at Any Age" by Daniel J. Amen, dancing is also a great trainer of thinking. After all, танцуя, we involve different parts of the brain.
  • Golf. It is not for nothing that it is called an intellectual game.: calculating the force of the blow and the trajectory of the ball is not so easy, as it seems at first glance. Besides, медики полагают, that golf stimulates the sensory cortex.
  • Yoga. Ancient Indian Spiritual and Physical Practice, turns out, not only has a beneficial effect on health, but also improves memory, ability to self-control and long-term concentration of attention. At least, such conclusions were reached by scientists from the University of Illinois, led by Neha Gote. (Neha Gothe).


  • Water. Organism on 80% consists of water. It is necessary for every organ, but the brain in particular. In the course of the next scientific experiment established, what people, thirsty, worse cope with logic puzzles, than those, who drank half a liter of water before testing.
  • Omega-3. Unsaturated fatty acids are super-serviceable. Including for the brain and nervous system. They provide a rapid flow of energy, necessary for the transmission of impulses from cell to cell, what, in its turn, increases thinking abilities and helps to quickly extract the necessary information from the "reservoirs" of memory. Lots of Omega-3s in Fish, walnuts and flaxseed oil.
  • Greens. Spinach and other greens contain folic acid, vitamins E and K. These substances prevent the development of dementia (Dementia). Besides, antioxidants contained in greens protect the brain from stroke, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • Apples. They contain kelcetin - a substance, possessing antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and other beneficial effects. But for us the main thing, that kelcetin protects brain cells from damage, and consequently, prevents the violation of its cognitive properties. Most of it is in apple peel.
  • Nuts. They are rich in protein., and protein supplies the brain with energy. Besides, nuts are rich in lecithin, the lack of which in the body can cause multiple sclerosis and other nervous diseases.
  • Vitamins. Q9 (citrus, bread, beans, honey) and B12 (liver, bollocks, fish) – without these substances, the normal functioning of the body is impossible. The first is necessary to create and maintain new cells in a healthy state., and the second reduces the symptoms of senile dementia and confusion of thinking.
  • Bollocks. What came before: chicken or egg? Maybe, you will find the answer to this philosophical question, if you eat both. After all, chicken yolk is a source of choline, and it helps to develop cognitive functions of the brain, that is, the ability to understand, познавать, изучать, осознавать, perceive and recycle.
  • Молоко. Drink, children, milk, you will be healthy! After all, milk is calcium, strengthening bones. Besides, scientists have found out, that a glass of milk a day improves memory and other mental abilities.
  • Coffee. It's not a joke.. Научные изыскания установили, that caffeine can improve attention and short-term memory. And of course, will add vivacity.
  • Chocolate. You go to the exam - eat a chocolate bar. Everybody does that., but few, Who knows, why. Or rather, few people know, каким образом шоколад делает нас умнее. It's all about glucose and flavonols.. Sugar speeds up the reaction and improves memory, and flavonols stimulate other cognitive skills.
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  • Sound sleep. We've already talked about, how important sleep is for normal life. Repeat only 1 advice from 27 – so that the convolutions move, you need to sleep at least seven hours a day.
  • Doze. Napming is useful. This is an indisputable fact.. The question is, how many? The ideal duration of an afternoon nap is 10-20 minutes. A person does not have time to fall asleep soundly and it is easier for him to wake up.. But on the other hand,, according to scientists, best effect on the brain 90-minute nap (improves memory, creative ideas appear). More details about, how to nap in infographics.
  • Habitual way of life. Break it! Yes, Yes, for one day destroy the established order for years - drink coffee in another café and not in 9, and 11 hours, go to work on a new route, redraw things in the diary. Such "shakes" are very useful - they help the brain to be in good shape..
  • Senses. Another interesting training for the brain is the exacerbation of individual senses.. For example, слуха. To do this, tie your eyes and try to walk around the room., focusing only on ambient sounds.
  • Workplace. On the table, the devil will break his leg? Then in my head too.. A cluttered workplace is not only ugly, but also significantly affects performance. Negatively affects. Clean up your workplace, and you will be surprised, how much quicker the brain will begin to work.
  • Наброски. If you find it difficult to focus on any task (and very necessary), try to take a pen, paper and draw it. Circuitry, tables and other sketches will help to concentrate and, maybe, will open a new vision of the problem.
  • Notes. By hand it is useful not only to draw, but also to write. Mail gadgets have supplanted paper from our lives, why we are unlikely to become smarter. After all, the creation of handwritten text develops higher brain functions., such as memory, Attention, psychomotor coordination and others. It's no coincidence that, foreign word, handwritten, remembered better, than what you entered on the keyboard.
  • Flight of Thoughts. Everyone knows the round dance of thoughts. It's when you need to think about a project, in my head a thousand and one ideas, but none of the necessary. In such moments, we try to "curb" randomly galloping thoughts and, finally, get down to business. И напрасно. Research scientists show, what, letting go of thoughts in free flight, we stimulate the creative activity of the brain. So relax and allow yourself to just dream..
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  • Novelty. New, more complex activities, stimulates the release of dopamine, which promotes the growth of neurons. Walk up the intellectual ladder. Make it difficult for yourself every time – solve more difficult puzzles, read smart books.
  • Orientation. You don't know your city or even your neighborhood well? Отлично! In terms of mental training. Mastering new routes develops memory, attention and other cognitive functions.
  • Музицирование. Musicians have a well-developed partal lobe of the brain, responsible for hearing, motor and visual-spatial skills. If you want to "pump" these qualities, try to learn how to play some musical instrument.
  • Foreign languages. Mastering a second or third language helps improve memory, broadening of horizons, а такжезащищает организм от болезни Альцгеймера.
  • Устная речь. If you say something out loud, then it's better remembered. Доказанный научный факт.
  • Positive Thinking. Positive psychology specialists are relentless and unanimous: think about the good and become smarter.


  • Meditation. We have already written about, как медитация влияет на мозг. Let's just remind you, that regular meditative practice helps to get rid of sudden feelings of anxiety, respond more adequately to physical malaise, and better understand other people.
  • Computer games. People are screaming on TV, that children are dumb from computer games, that teenagers, spending a lot of time on xbox, Degrade. But a professor from the University of Rochester argues that gaming improves multitasking and spatial thinking.. Besides, logic computer games can not be called "dulling".


  • Talk. «Привет, How is it going?» – hate that phrase? Sorry time for "empty" trash? Prefer to conduct a dialogue strictly on the case? On the one hand, it is commendable., but on the other, even trivial conversations, "about nothing", develop cognitive functions – speech, attention and control.
  • Sex. This pleasant activity in all respects increases the level of serotonin in the blood ("hormone of happiness", which the, among other things, increases creativity) and oxytocin levels ("trust hormone" – helps a person think in new directions and make bold decisions).
  • Laugh. He, like sex, – the best cure for many diseases. If you have been engaged in intense intellectual activity for a long time, то не стоит, coming from work, take on a volume of Schopenhauer. Give the brain a rest, turn on a good comedy and laugh heartily.
  • Ancestors. In a prestigious magazine, dedicated to social psychology, an interesting study has been published. According to him, people, who thought about their ancestors before performing memory tests, thinking and attention, got the best results, than those, who didn't think of grandparents. It is hard to say, насколько объективны доводы ученых, но знать свою генеалогию точно полезно.
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А как вы тренируете мозг?


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