Free Multicharts.Net. Find application….

Multicharts.NET стал бесплатным.

Most recently it was worth one and a half thousand dollars, teperь free. In addition, they give free of charge to 30 days realtime and historical data from — without any credit cards, just come up with any last name and address of residence and agree with the agreement. And, realtime can be used not only in Multicharts, but also in any other program, like Velslab or Amibroker and upload historical data there for tests.
Well I, certainly, out of habit, too, did not give up the freebie. Downloaded Multicharts, installed IQfeed. Twisted back and forth. Instruments load with huge latency. Привык в Thinkorswim и TC2000ткнул на ticker And schedule мгновенно появляется. But here everything is not so simple — data should be loaded. I.e, to view graphs, clearly does not fit. To test strategies, it's clear, too. Turned off. Sitting, I think, where to use it with benefit, do not give up the same freebies….. until I came up with….

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