GD : General Dynamics Corporation

GD: General Dynamics Corporation
Sector: Capital Goods > Industry: Aerospace and Defense
General Speakers Corporation (General Dynamics) offers a portfolio of products and services in business aviation; combat vehicles, weapon systems and ammunition; shipbuilding project and construction, and information systems, technologies and services. The company focuses on, to supply products and services to the military, the federal government, commercial and international clients. Shared Dynamics works across four business groups: Space, Combat Systems, Marine Systems, and Information Systems and Technology. 19 December 2008, The company acquired AxleTech International (AxleTech), axle manufacturer and supplier, suspensions, brakes and aftermarket parts for heavy payload vehicles for a variety of military and commercial customers. 5 november 2008, it acquired Jet Aviation Zurich, Switzerland. 23 July 2008, it acquired HSI Electric, Inc. (HSI), marine and industrial electric company. 22 July 2008, The company acquired VIPs, Inc. (Very important persons), healthcare technology solution provider, including data management, Analytics, solution support and process automation.


Space projects of the group, manufactures and outfit a mid-size family and large cabin Gulfstream business jet, and provide service, recovery, supply of equipment and aircraft services for a variety of business jet, wide body and narrow body aircraft customers globally. It offers a portfolio of eight Gulfstream aircraft: G150, G200, G250, G350, G450, G500, G550 and G650. Company – aircraft supplier for government and military service worldwide, with a Gulfstream aircraft, working in 34 нациях. These government planes are used to transport the head of state / chief and a variety of special mission statements, including aerial reconnaissance, marine surveillance, погодное исследование и education астронавта.

Space group invests in research and development (R&D) during the lifecycle of each aircraft, to introduce new products and enhancements. During a year, completed 31 December 2008, two planes, who joined the Gulfstream family, are the G250 super medium size and “extreme large cabin” G650. During 2008 his product enhancement and development efforts included initiatives in advanced avionics, соединения, flight control systems, acoustics, cabin technology and vision systems. Federal Aviation Administration (FEW) and the European Aviation Safety Agency certified two of Gulfstream's products: Second Generation Advanced Vision System (EVS II) and a new Synthetic Primary Vision Flight Display (SV-PFD), both of which assist the pilot during low visibility conditions.

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EVS II is specially designed, forward-looking infrared camera (FLIR), which presupposes, that the infrared image of the real world on the pilot is leading the show (PEEL), while Synthetic Vision provides 3D images of the landscape, runway environment and obstacles on the pilot's primary main down display. His PlaneBook – compact computer tablet, preloaded with reference library, which includes an airplane flight guide, operating manual and experimental checklists, improving navigation from guide to guide, and reducing paper and weight in the flight deck. PlaneConnect will automatically relay any onboard technical problems, identified by the aircraft maintenance system, to establish a technical staff, reducing turnaround time through early dispatch of parts and technicians.

Combat Systems

System battle group is busy in the project, development, production, support and enhancement of tracked and wheeled military vehicles, weapon systems and ammunition for the United States and its allies. The Company's production lines include wheeled armored combat and tactical vehicles; tracked main battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles; weapons and ammunition handling systems; ammunition and artillery; mobile bridge systems; пассивная, active and reactive armor; химические, biological and explosive detection systems; highly efficient complex products, and engine train components and aftermarket parts.

Combat Systems' main military vehicle platforms consist of the Stryker wheeled combat vehicle and the Abrams main battle tank. This – the supplier of these vehicles two of the foundation strength assets for its primary customer, United States Army. Stryker supports multiple missions with ten options: infantry airline, team and control, medical evacuation, launches support, elaboration, anti-tank, mortar carrier, intelligence service, mobile weapon system (MG), and nuclear, biological and chemical reconnaissance vehicle (NBCRV). Combat Systems produces the M2 Heavy Assault Rifle, and MK19 and MK47 grenade launchers, just like a weapon for most aircraft – United States fighter, including all Gatling high-speed weapons for fixed-wing aircraft and the Hydra-70 family of missiles.

Combat Systems – team member in the Future Combat Systems of the Army (FCS) program and lead development of the FCS system complete ground vehicle. It has factories in Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland, and has more than 30 countries. Fight European Business Systems offers a range of products, including light and tracked average weight and skewered tactical vehicles, amphibious bridge systems, artillery systems, light weapon, ammunition and fuel.

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Marine Systems

Offshore projects of the Systems Group of the Company, builds and maintains submarines and surface vessels for the United States Navy and commercial vessels for clients of the Jones Act. The group operates three of the six shipyards in the United States., who build ships for the Navy, including one of two nuclear submarine yards and a single yard, which deep services project ships to the West Coast. Portfolio of Marine Platforms and Capabilities includes nuclear powered submarines (Virginia class); surface combatants (DDG-51, DDG-1000, LCS); auxiliary and combat logistics ships (БЕРУТ); commercial ships; technical support of the project, and restructuring, ремонт и lifecycle служба поддержки.

Mature Marine Systems construction programs consist of the Virginia class of rapid attack, nuclear powered submarine, Section-class guided missile destroyer (DDG-51) Arleigh and Lewis and Clark-class (БЕРУТ) cargo / ammunition combat logistics dry ship. Virginia class submarine – United States submarine, developed by, to address the threats of the post-cold war, including abilities, tailored for both open-ocean and coastal missions. These secret courts are suited for a variety of global purposes., including secret intelligence gathering, special operations missions and sea-based rocket launch. The Virginia Navy's report class program includes 30 submarine, which the client provides in multi-ship blocks. Marine Systems – designer, and maker Arleigh Deal with the Destroyers, a class of surface combatants and the only active destroyer in the global surface fleet of the Fleet. During 2008 this supplied the USS Sterett and the USS Stockdale, 29-th and 30th of 34 vessels DDG-51, which the Fleet has concluded with the Company, to build.

Marine Systems Group provides ship and underwater restructuring, ремонт и lifecycle службу поддержки, to extend the life of these vessels. It also provides international allies with program management, planning and technical support for the submarine project and surface vessel construction programs. It also designs and manufactures ships for commercial clients., to meet the requirement of the Jones Act that the court, carrying cargo between United States ports to be built in the United States shipyards.

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Information Systems and Technology

The Group of Information Systems and Technologies of the Company provides technologies, products and services, that support a range of government and commercial digital communication and information-sharing needs. Its product and service offerings fall into a three-part portfolio, which includes tactical and strategic mission systems, information technology and mission services, and intelligence mission systems. Group projects, manufacture and supply communication systems, reinforced computers, command-and-control systems and operational hardware to customers within the United States Department of Defense, intelligence agency, federal civil agencies and international clients. It also provides many of these capabilities to non-United States clients., through programs, such as ARCHER digital voice and data transmission system for the United Kingdom Department of Defense, New Integrated Marine Communications and Information System (TOO MUCH) for the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps, and RAINShell Tactical Command, Control and Communications System program for the Canadian Department of National Defense.

Group of Information Systems and Technologies provides information technology (THIS) and qualified mission support to United States defense and national security clients, federal civil agencies and select commercial clients. The group is also specialized in the project, development and integration of wireline and wireless voice, video и сетей передачи данных; mission simulation and training services, and secure identification and credentialing abilities. Information Systems and Technology also supplies network upgrades and IT infrastructure services to United States government clients.. The group provides the United States and intelligence agencies, connected with, with specialized intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) способности.

Information Systems and Technology – Provider of personnel with mission-specific experience in carrying out intelligence programs. Besides, it provides payloads and communications capabilities to the spacecraft as part of the crew, which will provide a ground control segment for the national Global Positioning System (GPS) Block II and future Block III satellites. This program includes satellite command and control, mission planning, constellation control, monitoring base and station antennas.

The company competes with Northrop Grumman Corporation.

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