view 21 October – shorts

So.. I'm online again)

Time to write a view, there is no time to chew and put in your mouth, therefore the theses

  • I don't give a damn how you shortcut with a short stop – this is your skill. I'll just show you the direction, long stop and approximate timing.
  • Stop RI – 159 000. 
  • Stop at Nasdake, for example, very profitable – 2100 (50% poses)… keep the rest.
  • But it's better without stops… :) Put on RI to buy… 155 000 strike и не ебите моск. They are right now by 5 250,00. 
  • Fall target by mmvb – 1370 by the end of the year. So when will it be 1400 on the mamba – I recommend to get lost in the spread (sell путов, strike below)
  • Sell ​​calls… strike 155 000 on 6 055,00 apiece until the end of the year.
  Can not argue with that
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