Beginner questions(part 1)

I have been trading for a long time, but sometimes I notice that I think for a long time before entering the action in situations that are already Were 1000 once. If I hadn't thought for so long, did not miss good entries and the result was better.

Answer: There is no pill in this situation, which will immediately "heal" you. Есть ли какой-то pattern совершения подобных ошибок, which you could recognize?For example, it can be some specific phrases, with which you can convince yourself of something. Maybe, situations, where are you making a mistake, typical and repetitive? Think, what do you need to track somehow, may be, write down, every such case, when you "talked" yourself into making the wrong decision. Analyze the decision making process, to find, where are you fooling yourself. When will you deal with this, you will need to recognize such situations when trading.

I feel somehow helpless, when I have a bad streak, длящаяся более пары недель . Can you advise, how to understand the difference between bad trade and simple bad luck?

Answer: This problem is common enough, which is not surprising. It is based on the most common insecurity.. Helplessness, which you feel, is the result of poor feedback or lack of statistics on your trading. If you could say with complete confidence during a drawdown , что торгуешь профитно на дистанции, then you would not feel helpless and would continue to trade well regardless of the result. The key to solving this problem is finding ways to measure the quality of your trading., to be able to be confident in your decisions. Easy in theory, but in practice it is hard. There are many types of feedback, and statistics is one of them. Иногда это может быть тяжелой задачей для игрока, and the easiest way to start is by analyzing your worst trade. Do you know your most hardcore mistakes (it doesn't matter, why do they happen)? How about some minor mistakes? Move slowly from this to your best deal.
Record the information received, to be able to look at the records at any time. This will create an opportunity to analyze your session after the end of the trade as objectively as possible without any attempts to "excuse" your actions.. If you will see, that I didn't make big mistakes, but lost in 4 trades , then you can be confident in your trading and write off everything on variance.
Another advantage of this kind of analysis is the ability to work on your strategy for a long time.. That is, keep making notes, observe the differences and write it all down. When people add up, and everything is going well, many can just forget about real mistakes, because they earn, какая разница. But you need to work constantly.

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How to set effective goals?

Answer: Моей общей рекомендацией будет написание трёх целей, process oriented, for every purpose, ориентированной на результат. This is important also because, that sometimes you can understand, what some goals, направленные на результат, can be discarded altogether.

How to learn to separate privacy from trading? Sometimes there are so many problems, that they interfere with trade.

Answer: For 30-45 minutes before the start of the session, take a few minutes to, to jot down your personal problems. You need to clear your head of problems, And, transferring them to paper, you will at least partially distract from them.
Often times, problems in trading and life are so preoccupied with you., that it becomes almost impossible to keep attention on the trade itself. Putting your thoughts on paper or word is an opportunity to make big problems easier.. This, certainly, not some magic trick, to immediately get rid of the difficulties, but the way will help you to deal with your problems with more accuracy and understanding.

If you want to ask your question, write in the comments and it will be included in the next issue.

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