Visualization goals: effective method or self-deception

How simple photography affects the achievement of the goal, why make mind maps and what to do, if you want to quit everything?

The word "visualization" comes from the Latin "visual" and means mental imagination of the desired reality. If you want to be an important boss or a curvy beauty (or both together), then imagine, that the goal is achieved. How did you look like then?, what to feel, how to move and speak? This is the visualization process.

Certainly, do not visualize like a cutlet, she will not appear on the plate in front of you. Gotta get your lazy ass up, wind the minced meat, make this very cutlet and fry it. So for any purpose. At least get fancy, but a boss's chair or mastering spoken Spanish will take some effort. So maybe, well her, this visualization? Why is she needed at all, if i'm gonna go to my dream anyway?

In my skeptical opinion, the secret of visualization lies precisely in inspiration. On the way to the goal, whether it is moving to Goa or education языку программирования, there will be difficulties. But it is visualization that will become an additional incentive., Motivation, if you suddenly lose heart. Sometimes we miss simple inspiration.!

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Target visualization methods

Studying this topic, I wade through endless meditation practices, drawing on your mental screen your mental desires, Simoron technique and other methods of "creative" visualization. Let's leave these methods for the enlightened and talk about more "down to earth" methods..


The idea is this - place pictures on a central wall or work board., reflecting your purpose. It could be anything, anything: moving to Thailand, new place of work, 1000 followers on Instagram. Photos can be taken specifically for your purpose or stitched together. As my practice shows, the first option works more efficiently. The goal becomes more achievable, personally and emotionally colored. I once read a thought like this: the more a person invests in something, the harder it is for him to part with it. Generally, I think, right. If the goal is defined correctly and the steps to achieve it are taken regularly, you won't leave her halfway.
Can, certainly, use Photoshop too, to put yourself in the director's chair, it's up to you personally. But for me specifically, maximum naturalness is the best option..

Profile on the site

If you don't want to mess around with markers and a corkboard, then create your profile, for example, on SmartProgress, and place your target there. Multiple photos can be uploaded, write detailed action plans and generally behave on the resource quite freely. Main, to, by going to your profile, have you seen your goal in photographs, Plans, citations.

Mental sculpture

I read this technique in the book “Step by step to achieving the goal. Kaizen Method ». Its essence is as follows: you imagine a certain action down to the smallest detail: smell, Colour, taste, emotions, movement - everything plays an important role.

author Books describes, like an olympic medalist, javelin thrower, Steve Buckley, trained on the couch after being injured. He imagined himself in the stadium in the midst of a competition. "Imagine a spear in your hand, Feel, how dirt stuck to the soles, feel the screams of spectators in the stands and see the blue sky overhead. But the mental sculpture required Buckley to include other sensations., feel, how muscles tighten, how the skin stretches in response to every small movement, making a perfect throw. He heard, how the flying spear rings, how the results are announced, could smell the grass. Buckley mentally replayed his speech over and over.. When the ankle healed and the athlete was able to resume training at the stadium, I was surprised to find, what can continue them exactly from that level, where he was interrupted by an injury. “I was able to easily resume my training., without losing a single day ", - says Buckley. He has not lost any professionalism, no strength!».
When the strength leaves you, and the goal seems unattainable - be inspired, using your imagination and imaginative thinking.

Drawing up mind maps

Это наглядный процесс reaching the goal. It visualizes as the goal itself, so is the way to her: Tasks, intermediate results. This flowchart helps you organize your thoughts and actions..

A few secrets of making mind maps:

• the main idea is always in the center. It can be replaced with a goal, to which you go.
• information is usually read from the upper right corner clockwise. If you make changes, mark the order with numbers.
• play with color. Accept certain conventions for yourself (red - risk, green - opportunities) and paint some sections of the path, so that the brain perceives information faster.
• draw. We think in images, therefore a funny picture is preferable and more interesting, how 3-5 Offers.
• use keywords. This not only saves time, but the work of the brain is also trained.

The calendar

One woman, let's call her Jeanne, passionately wanted to become a famous photographer. Deciding not to dream, and act, she wrote down all the tasks, intermediate goals, and then I did, in my opinion, even more time consuming work. Jeanne ordered a poster from the printing house, consisting of 365 Cells, to which she introduced certain tasks, intermediate goals, by placing a photo of yourself with a camera in your hands in the center. Every day this single-minded woman did something, what helped her achieve her goal, and in the end I got my way.
But I want to draw your attention not to the careful planning., and on the way of visualization - a large calendar. When there is a starting point in front of our eyes, difficulties, which have already been passed and which need to be overcome, when we see results, which have already been achieved, it really inspires. Barbara Sher in her book "Dreaming is not harmful" describes in great detail, how to create such a planning wall. “You can cover the wall with a cork panel and attach diagrams to it with colored buttons.. You can put them on scotch tape, removing waste and attaching new. Or, cover the wall with smooth self-adhesive shelf tape and paint the patterns with erasable markers.. Magnets can be used on the side of a metal rack or refrigerator. ".

At all, visualization methods can be suggested by the goal itself.

• Dream of going to hot countries? Decorate your home with seashell compositions.
• Learn the basics of programming? Find a future customer and agree with him on the timing of the first assignment, and additionally motivate yourself with infographics.
• Lose weight? Hang your new stunning dress where you can see it 42 Size.
• Want to read 52 Books? Arrange them all on the bookshelf, deleting read or crossing out on your list, if you read electronic versions.
• Learn English? Place super complex text on your board, which you cannot master in any way, to motivate you to work harder.



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