Warren Buffett proposes 1 billion dollars for 63 guessed match

Уоррен Баффет предлагает 1 миллиард долларов за 63 угаданных матча

While much of America's attention is focused on American football and its players, Warren Buffett (one of the richest and most successful investors in the world) conceived something interesting in the world of basketball

По сообщениям журнала Forbes, Buffett partnered with Dan Gilbert with Berkshire Hathaway, founder of Quicken Loans (largest online loan company). So here, billionaires offer to play an interesting game: that man, who will guess the outcome of all 63 games in the upcoming March varsity basketball championship (NCAA men’s college basketball tournament), will receive neither more nor less 1 billion dollars.

so, kind people have already counted for us and got the following results: chances of winning this “игре” equal 1 to 4,294,967,296. A great excuse for any American, to start following all the events on ESPN and read post-match analyst articles ;) Ah yes, if in some incomprehensible way it happens, what will appear already 2 the winner – they will share their winnings.

It is also worth mentioning, that the winnings will not be paid in a lump sum. It will be issued as follows: on $25,000,000 once a year. And so during 40 years. If a person wants, he can pick up at a time $500,000,000, the choice is his.

Ah yes, if the winner is still undecided, they will be selected 20 lucky ones, которые былинаиболее близки” to the right results. They are entitled to $100,000 for the efforts, as they say. However, here, too, there is a postscript at the bottom of the page in ninth font. They can only spend this money on real estate.: financing, Deposits, repair, etc.

  Taxes on investments
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