Wall Street: Money does not sleep

There is such a tricky technology in the film industry.: 3D movies. You put on special glasses and when watching a movie, it is as if you are immersed in a film created by the director. Maybe, the feeling of watching such pictures is something special, incomparable, what the viewer experienced before.

I cannot reason about it, since I never went to the cinema to watch such films, there is no time and desire, honestly. Seems, you can watch such things even on your home computer, for this you just need to get special glasses. But what I was looking at on my computer, true without glasses, led me to think, that in the production of such a product behind the curtain remains the idea of ​​the film, the essence, thought… It all comes down only to arousing visual sensations in the 3D viewer. That is why those 3D paintings, that I saw left a feeling… hmm… it would be more correct to say – did not leave any sensations at all. Lol.

-What is wrong here? Some like, means, all class! – someone will say.

well, friends, I don't want to argue, but you know, sex without love – this is a set of movements, the purpose of which is – starting the physiological need for discharge, no more. What's the point of diving inside an invented picture?, if we are already inside the world, which surrounds us? Do you want to enter a colorful and rich underwater world – put on scuba gear and climb into Red sea, so many evil spirits, that you don't want to get out of the water, moreover, as a bonus, which moray eel will grab the heel or dolphins will play with the diver. You want insane heights and snowy peaks? Not a problem either! Tibetan himalayas so high, that you can touch the sky with your hand, exposing sides to the sun, what, seems, hangs like a chandelier right above your head.

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I may seem boring, but 3D in the film industry – dead product. He emasculates the very idea of ​​cinema.. And soon they will understand, give a few years and the first excitement will subside and everything will return to normal.

«Criticizing – Suggest!» I agree with this slogan. And I continue my thought.

And what is aerobatics in the cinema in my opinion? And this is, dear readers, when, without any abstruse technology, the viewer, looking at an ordinary flat object, where shadows and light play, gets inside that world, which the director and the actors created and all those, who put their hand and knowledge to the production of the picture. And here we come to, what is in the topic title.

so, with joyful excitement and overwhelming feelings from what he just saw, I present to you a new picture 2010 years of a wonderful director Oliver Stone «Wall Street: Money does not sleep»! This is the second part of the film «Wall street», released in 1987 year. Cast Michael Douglas, Shaya LaBaf, Josh Brolin etc.

What does the official release on kinopoisk.ru tell us??

Sentenced former corporate raider Gordon Gekko leaves prison in a whole new world, on the brink of a financial crisis. He's a dinosaur, whose methods have long been outdated, and reputation plays a disservice. But it is he who is chosen as a partner by the young trader Jacob Moore, Gekko bargaining: he improves the relationship of the old man with his daughter, who did not communicate with him for eleven years and blames Gordon for her brother's suicide, and he helps Jacob, caring for the girl, climb to the top of the financial ladder.

Not much, right?

And I will try to fix this flaw, adding more colors to your feelings and emotions, that overwhelmed after watching a movie.

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Actually, I haven't seen many pictures, from which a fire is lit inside. Actors, game, plot – everything is just great. After all, we are talking about money, Trading, brokerage, stock exchange, Wall street, mass madness, financial crashes, insiderism, Speculation, Big Game – that is about all that, what makes up my passion. Is it worth it to say, that while viewing the picture, the player window was minimized to this size, so that the balance of trades on one of the accounts is visible. I trade around the clock, especially now, when the opportunity arose to take the side of the bears and take that, do's and don'ts. This, certainly, hysteria, madness, but this is my truth too, my essence. I see myself in many ways Gekko and I understand him, when he takes a very dubious (from the moral point of view) decision on withdrawal 100 million dollars from his own daughter, who trusted him, although his position as a father hangs in the balance… All he needs – be in again The game. And he is ready for a lot for this.

Here are his words to young Jacob:

-This is what you still don't understand: it's not about the money. The Game. A game between people. This is the point!

Well,, let those condemn his decision, who doesn't understand, that you can't argue against the essence, we all have our own road, Path, on which we go. And no matter how they say about it Paths people from the outside, we all need to learn to forgive, as it was rightly said in the film, because none of us has the right to condemn with our hearts, we are one and the same inside. Although we look different on the outside…

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The suicide of the founder of the company is very indicative. «Keller Zejbl» antiquity Luis Zable, when, as a result of the games of quicker dealers, his reputation and the company were on the verge of bankruptcy. He just couldn't accept this state of affairs… And this is not a fiction, this not a fairy tale with a happy end. This real world, real events, that accompany the institution of the speculative game throughout history, big money. Before that, how to leave this life Lou answered the question to his young friend Jacob like this:

-Lu, we will crash? (collapse of the company «Keller Zejbl», approx. wearbo)

-This is the wrong question, Jacob.

-And which one is correct?

-Collapse awaits everyone…

The special salt of the picture is the fact, that everything that happens there is literal currently happening, right now, with the whole world. We're all in the ass, and the director showed some of the charms of that path very well, which we stomp, as humanity. I cannot add more. For there is no point in writing a lot – must watch. All in all, my recommendations to all topics, who is somehow connected with trading. Unambiguously – this movie – one of the best in the history of cinema. And the best on the topic Wall street.

Good luck and profits to all!

ps. By the way, interesting fact: the film was shot for 58 days.

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