Learning to work with binary options

One of the most popular types of investment is binary options trading. Unlike other ways to increase wealth, here participants do not need to invest large sums of money, the minimum transaction amount is only 90 rubles.

Binary options is a prediction, how the asset price will behave: increase or decrease. No matter, by how many points has the value dropped or increased, you just need to predict the direction. Assets are securities, currency, indices, goods (gold, coffee and more). How risky is it? Trading binary options is considered a rather risky investment tool, however, you can get considerable profit, especially, when it comes to working with a professional broker.

One of the most popular brokers in Russia is the Moscow company Binex. Its specialists have developed a number of tools, allowing you to make more accurate predictions. These charts, pivot tables and statistical data are available to all users on the binex.ru website , Besides, those who wish can use the consulting service, operating in 24/7. Attention to the political and economic situation in the world will also make you feel more confident on the court..

One of the most important factors in achieving success in binary options trading is developing your own strategy.. The strategy consists of several points. The first is to determine the size of the investment. The upper limit of the amount is not limited by anything, but those, who has been practicing this type of activity not so long ago, it is recommended to invest no more 3-5% of the total amount of the deposit for one transaction. In Binex, the minimum deposit amount is 200 US dollars, thus, the amount of one transaction will be about 100 rubles. This is the optimal scheme, in order to gain experience and clearly see the increase in profits.

The second point of the strategy is the choice of expiration dates. Binary options trading involves both short-term (from one minute), and long-term forecasts (up to a month). Experts recommend that beginners avoid short-term trades, requiring certain financial experience. It is worth starting with trades with an expiration date of 30 minutes and above.

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Finally, the most important stage is determining the point of entry into the trade. To fulfill this point, it is necessary to study the fundamental and technical analysis assets. For novice traders, fundamental analysis will certainly seem more understandable and useful.. According to his data, can be traced, how the price of assets changed as a result of certain events.

Guided by analysis tools and adhering to the defining points of your strategy, it will not be difficult to achieve success in binary options trading.

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