
They brought a savage from the Tumbo-Yumbo tribe to the city and taught how to use the TV. Now, certainly, savages went literate, and telly is used only in this way, but still suppose… They gave him a remote control, and said: You will press this button – will turn on, you will press this – will be louder, this – another program will go. Now our savage lives in a new place, day lives, two lives. The button will be pressed – TV turned on – life is good :) But on the third day, someone cleaned up the room and pulled the plug out of the socket. Our hero woke up in the morning – the button first “тык” – does not turn on. He once again, “тык”, “тык”. The moon is the devil, does not work. Yes it does not work, i tell you, DOES NOT WORK. And he runs to another such savage, to report, that the white man deceived him in the most impudent way, because as he said: “you press the button – will turn on”, but does not turn on, then there is no more faith in the pale-faced. And the message flies through all savage communities, and an opinion is formed, and cheating is discussed at all gatherings… …until the cleaning lady next plugs in the plug.

  century lives - century learn
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