
Technical and Fundamental Analysis of Cryptocurrency Trading. Features and tricks

2017 the year was marked by exponential growth of the cryptocurrency market, whose dynamics amaze the imagination. Many in the past year were once again convinced that, that the profitability of investments in new assets is often more attractive than the results of investing in shares of even the most successful companies. The prospects for obtaining significant profit on invested funds attract more and more new participants to the cryptocurrency market, including famous players in the world of traditional finance.

Popular trading robots, bots for trading on the cryptocurrency exchange

How cryptobots work? Each bot is a set of indicators and parameters, which automatically conduct a transaction on the exchange (or semi-automatically: with operator confirmation), when a buy or sell signal is determined. Most of the time, the bot is tuned to a specific market and time period, to make the results more predictable. This is not magic, which makes only good deals and brings 146%. Average profitability for 1-2% in a day, given the volatility and strong impact of news on exchanges.

Apps every crypto trader should install

In the extremely volatile world of cryptocurrencies, you must always keep your finger on the pulse and follow the developments in the industry. Because we often have to make decisions on the go, it is important to have all trading and investment tools at hand. Here is a list of the best apps, thanks to which investing in cryptocurrency will become easier than ever. In the wake of the popularity of cryptocurrencies, the network has been flooded with a huge number of applications for working with a new financial instrument right from the screen of gadgets..

Volcker's rule and its cancellation

Last week, the SEC joined regulators in a desire to revise the Volcker rule, what commercial banks have long dreamed of. On Tuesday, 5 June, US Securities and Exchange Commission ranked fifth of five agencies, following the Fed, By the Commission for the Regulation of the Activities of Commercial Banks, By the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Commission on Futures Trading, which agreed to a possible amendment to Volcker's rule from 2013 of the year, prohibiting commercial banks to carry out purchase and sale operations on deposits from the population and organizations to derive their own profit. The rule became part of the Dodd-Frank Act 2010 years and was introduced due to the rhetoric of the former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker that, that increased speculative activity of commercial banks in high-risk financial instruments was a key catalyst for the financial crisis 2008 of the year. In response to the SEC's possible consent to the revision, major news agencies, such as the New York Times and CNBC, called the changes "extensive", while U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren reacted even more sharply. Addressing many of Goldman Sachs' former investment bankers, who were or are part of the Trump administration, including current Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin, Warren called it "patronage" from "ex-pals" who are willing to break the rule., which protects taxpayers from a new crisis.

How HFT (high frequency trading )changed the situation on world exchanges

In the spring 2017 of the year, Credit Suisse analysts have published a report on "the real role of HFT trading in the modern financial market ecosystem". The document states that, how high-frequency trading has changed the state of affairs on world exchanges - we have selected five main findings of the study.

Mark Douglas - Reason over the Market (interview)

Mark Douglas - Reason over the Market

From the translator: Greetings! We offer you a translation of an interview with Mark Douglas, an experienced trader and a professional in the field of trading psychology, author of the books "Zone Trading" and "Disciplined Trader", That, sure, many are familiar. Mark will tell us about, what is important to avoid in trading, what to strive for psychologically, and also describes the human component of the price movement. I wish you pleasant reading and a successful trading week.!

Quantquant EVERYTHING.

Судя по тому что сайт
мертв — последняя запись полгода назад, а предпоследняя вообще в 2016 году, можно сделать вывод что системный трейдинг тоже не живой.

Напомню, что этот сайт появился после отделения некоторых зазнавшихся системщиков, решивших покинуть форум Паук, в то время считавшийся наиболее продвинутым в области грамотности трейдинга, и создавших свой закрытый сайт-форум, а также системный блог, который просуществовал очень короткое время. На форуме была кастовая система — те которые обозначили себя в качестве крутых системных трейдеров присвоили себе звание участников в “красных пиджаках” и всякие привелегии, остальным сочувствующим выделили зеленые пиджаки, а новичкам черные. Регистрация на форуме была только по рекомендациям и после всесторонней проверки интересанта на предмет системной подготовки и отсутствия вредных привычек, типа пристрастий к волнам Эллиота и расширениям фибоначи. :)

В результате, постепенно оба форума, как Паук, так и форум красных пиджаков сдали свои позиции и если еще на Пауке есть какое-то черепашье движение, то у пиджаков уже все закончилось.

Системы больше не работают. Системной торговли в России больше нет. Теперь все стали инвесторами и получают дивиденды на смартлабе :)

Streaming Day Trading trades on the NYSE, NASDAQ – live show

  Live streaming of transactions on the us stock exchange. All transactions take place on live accounts within the day on the NYSE markets, NASDAQ. – broadcast live Schedule: Weekdays 20:45 MSK time Recording | Telegram chat | Teaching

The most famous personalities in the history of the stock market

Larry Williams (Larry Williams) Larry Williams is one of the most famous and successful traders. One of his most outstanding accomplishments was winning the Robbins Cup Futures Trading Championship. (Robbins World Cup of Championship of Futures Trading). He managed to earn in one year $1 147 000, with an initial capital of $10 000, which amounted to more 10000% per annum. He is the author of the book “Long-term secrets of short-term trading”. In his book, he describes the best technical indicators and original methods of technical analysis.. He also offers readers an in-depth analysis of the most effective short-term trading strategies and describes in detail the theory and practice of money management.. Larry Williams Reveals the Basics of Short-Term Trading, advantages and disadvantages of this so fruitful, but still a potentially dangerous activity. George Soros (George Soros) George Soros is a famous American billionaire financier, who is engaged in investment business. He wrote books: “Voting for democracy”, “Soviet system: towards an open society”, “The Alchemy of Finance”, hedge funds established “Quota”, “Quantum immersion grouse”, “Quantum”. Soros owns real estate in many countries, including UK and USA.

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