Mario Gabelli / Mario Gabelli
Mario Joseph Gabelli (Mario Joseph Gabelli) was born 19 June 1942 of the year. He spent his childhood and youth in the Bronx, where he attended primary school first, and then the private Jesuit school for boys at Fordham University. In his spare time Mario, hitchhiking, traveled to the northern suburbs of New York, to Westchester County, where he worked as a caddy (a carrier of golf clubs and other equipment) in leading golf clubs, such as Winged Foot and Sunningdale. There he met many people, have achieved success in life, and these people often talked about investing in stocks. Later Gabelli told, that already in those days I read market reports for my own pleasure, and bought my first shares, when he was all 13 years. Upon graduation, Gabelli received a scholarship and went to college at Fordham University. There he stood out not only with his hair, which at that time was still red, but also desperate enterprise. He always had another get-rich-quick scheme ready., like selling electric flashlights from the trunk of your own car during the period, when the streets and shop windows were poorly lit.