
Black Swan. Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Summary of the book

Nassim Nicholas Taleb Black Swan Under the Sign of Unpredictability

Nassim Nicholas Taleb The Black Swan Under the Sign of Unpredictability Review As Literary Critic Harold Bloom Noted, Hamlet's trouble was not that, that he thought too much, and in that, that he thought too well and therefore lost the opportunity to indulge himself with illusions. The same can be said of the philosopher., writer and stock trader Nassim Nicholas Talebe. He is extremely skeptical of overconfident financial gurus., investment analysts, hedge fund presidents, Wall Street bankers, Nobel laureates in economics and other authorities, claiming to be able to predict the future. According to Taleb, the mistake of all these people is, that they do not take into account the "black swans" - by this term the author denotes extremely important, but extremely unlikely events, which is almost impossible to foresee. Bright, the individual style and literary talent of the author could not overshadow the entire unorthodox of his views. The result is exciting, controversial, a memorable book on the role of randomness and unpredictability in human life. Taleb has created a potent cure for gullibility, whose reception recommends readers even though, that someone might find it unbearably bitter.

Into the piggy bank for a crypto trader: Japanese candlesticks and patterns based on them

Anatomy of Japanese candles As you know, Japanese candlestick chart is very popular among traders in all markets. Let us recall again, what are Japanese candlesticks. Each candlestick on the chart reflects price movement during a specific timeframe. The body of the candlestick is formed by the opening and closing prices, and shadows are highs and lows. The upper shadow of the candlestick is a vertical line, showing the difference between the high and the close for a bullish candle and the difference between the high and the open for a bearish.

SMB Capital Day Trading Course Review

1. Course description The trading course from SMB Capital is focused on intraday trading of stocks in the American market. Day trading strategy is based on analysis and selection of active stocks, technical analysis, tape reading and risk management. If you trade other markets, you can still find useful tips for technical analysis in this course, position management, risk. The article will describe intraday trading strategies, basic models and trading instruments. Courses from SMB Capital will give, certainly, more knowledge and skills. They involve communication with successful traders., analysis of your trade, use of specialized software from SMB, etc.. But the courses are worth going, when you are sure, that you want to trade in this particular market and in exactly this style. The article gives a working strategy, having tried which, you can understand, is the American stock market right for you and this style of intraday trading?.

Cryptocurrency - getting started

Privetos, wild dog! I threw the blazek a bit, the design needs to be updated, make it beautiful for mobile phones, but somehow my hands don't reach, and that's why: cryptocurrencies! Last year was just super whale for all possible cryptocurrencies and blockchain companies.: coin prices have generally gone up, like on steroids, a bunch of successful and not very ICOs, the whole world is now talking about blockchain and cryptocurrencies, And, apparently, in 2018 this will be the main topic of conversation, because. IMHO this is part of our future, which is just nascent.

Brainstorm. Why Hedge Funds Earn More Than Others

The main myth about hedge funds is, that these are "black boxes" - closed and opaque, and none of the clients understands, where are their funds invested. How Hedge Funds Really Work and How They Provide High Returns? The first hedge fund appeared in 1949 year. At the time, his functions were limited to hedging a portfolio of stocks with short positions., hence the name. Such tactics allowed successful funds to demonstrate performance, dozens of times outstripping the market. By now, the industry has evolved a lot - much more, than the finance industry in general. All technological innovations in the field of investment originate in hedge funds.

Synopsis of the book "Turtle Traders" – Michael Covel

The book "Turtle Traders" is a story about, as casual students, many of whom had no experience on Wall Street., taught to be traders - millionaires. These newcomers were thrown into the fire and tasked with producing money almost instantly., and millions were at stake. They didn't try to sell ice cream on the streets.. They traded stocks., bonds, currencies and assets of other markets, to earn millions. Potential students, who did accept, were like stunned by a blow to the head. The phrase “this can't be, because it can never be "repeated continuously. An invitation to learn from the greatest trader of modern Chicago, and then use his money for trading and get some of the profits, looked absolutely incredible. One of the greatest opportunities of the century has attracted thousands of job seekers, from suggestions, written on coconut, to the banal “I think, that I can make money for you ". Honestly, speculation about, what can make a rich man, an inaccessible and eccentric trader to pay attention to you and invite you to the next stage - a personal conversation - were absolutely outrageous.

What is split (splitting up) Shares

What is split (splitting up) Shares

Share split - a method of attracting additional investors by deliberately lowering the market price of a share and proportionally increasing the number of shares in circulation. Share splits or share splits are used by joint stock companies to, to make the stock more attractive to private investors. But companies don't do this with advertising., and by artificially lowering the market price.

Investor risk appetite

Как известно, есть хороший индикатор, проверенный временем — индикатор склонности ивесторов к риску. Он определяется как отношение двух индексов — Наздак и Найс. Если индекс Наздака растет сильнее чем Найс, то считается что инвесторы в данный момент склонны к риску потому что считают что рынки будут расти и покупают акции роста, которые в благоприятные периоды обычно растут быстрее чем акции стоимости.

Но возможны и другие варианты. Я, например, применяю разность QQQк SPY. Если посмотрим на график с начала года, то видим что до июня была полная склонность к риску. Но потом, в июне, фиксация прибыли в технологическом секторе обломила праздник и инвесторы испугались. К счастью ничего страшного не произошло и снова оптимизм стал прорываться, позднее, к концу июля сменившись неуверенностью и неопределенностью. Но к концу августа рынок охватила новая волна оптимизма:

Индекс Насдак100 сегодня закрылся на новом хае всех времен и с начала года опережает SP-500 уже больше чем в два раза.

Tatnft Zap

Это я так понимаю, дивидендная отсечка? Вот на фига такие сюрпризы? Нельзя ли принять такой закон чтобы получали дивиденды только те кто хочет, а кому они не нужны чтобы не получали. И чтобы цена оставалась такой какой была в предыдущий день. Это же очень просто сделать — для желающих дивиденды просто уменьшить позицию на несколько акций и перевести им деньги за эти акции. А для не нуждающихся в этом мероприятии просто оставить все как есть. И будет нормальный график, без гепов.

What is OTC Pink Sheets and OTCBV OTC Market (off-board bulletin board)

OTC Pink Sheets OTC Market - Electronic Exchange, on which shares are sold and bought. There are no trading platforms in the OTC Pink Sheets market, all quotations are carried out in electronic form. Since there is no central platform (trading floor) like on the NYSE, companies traded on pink sheets (Pink Sheets) also do not have specific criteria, which would allow you to select reliable companies for trading. In this article, we will tell, what is Pink Sheets, what they hide the likely profits and risks. OTC Bulletin Board or OTCBB in the United States is a stock of companies not represented on the NASDAQ, NYSE or other national marketplaces. Over-the-counter (OTS) translated as over-the-counter. There are also various types of TUT: OTCQX, OTCQB and Pink Sheets. Deception and manipulation are common among OTCs. OTC shares are often unpredictable and regulated by the SEC, securities regulatory commission, national stocks and option trading platforms, and other securities markets in the United States. FINRA,private corporation acting as the self-regulating organization of the securities markets, which works and provides regulatory services of OTC. Almost all companies represented on OTC are in a pre-bankruptcy state. OTCQX OTCQX is the most prestigious level in OTC. To be in the OTCQX, companies must earn trust.

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