
Another aggravation of the deputy Fedorov

Федоров сообщил, что, по его сведениям, Google “подписала договор о сотрудничестве со Службой безопасности Украины”, что представляет опасность для сохранности личных данных россиян. Находящаяся в юрисдикции США компания, по его мнению, может заниматься намеренным ослаблением страны и дестабилизировать ситуацию в России.

Когда уже Дума избавится от шизофреников? Есть же психиатрические лечебницы для этого.

50 most popular stocks in hedge funds – Rating

American analytical company FactSet has released a quarterly list 50 most popular stocks in 50 largest hedge funds. According to the study, funds increased the share of equity investments in the total investment portfolio by 9,8% in the II quarter 2014 G. It should be noted, that in the first quarter this share increased only by 1,9%. Medical companies, currently in merger negotiations, were the most attractive for investment. Hedge funds sold significant shares of International Paper and Micron Technology, the study says. Besides, large funds parted with the securities of "several media corporations and strategic financial institutions".

Middle Ages

Пока наша средневековая воровская власть пытается остановить развитие и прогресс на земном шаре, типа введения “интернета по паспортам”, нормальные люди делают вот что:

Google запускает 180 спутников для доступа в Интернет

Google намеревается создать группировку из 180 низкоорбитальных спутников и обеспечить с их помощью связью с Интернетом удаленные регионы мира. Проект возглавляет основатель компании O3b Networks ГрегУайлер. Недавно он и технический директор O3b перешли на работу в Google. Компания O3b пользовалась поддержкой Google с момента основания. В июне 2013 года она запустила первые четыре спутника своей сети спутниковой связи. Спутники O3b выводятся на среднюю околоземную орбиту и весят примерно 680 кг.

Спутники Google планируется сделать гораздо легче — около 110 кг — и запустить их на более низкую орбиту. Крупные технологические компании уже давно рассматривают возможности обеспечения доступом в Интернет удаленных регионов. Один из проектов Google под названием Project Loon предусматривает запуск в стратосферу воздушных шаров со станциями связи. Facebook с шестью другими крупными компаниями с августа прошлого года начала программу Internet. org, в рамках которой, как заявил в марте генеральный директор Марк Цукерберг, будет экспериментировать с беспилотными летательными аппаратами, спутниками и даже лазерной космической связью.

Видимо, российское телевидение будет трактовать это как насильственную интернетизацию ни в чем не повинных российских граждан, желающих интернет только по паспортам и никак иначе. Придется накопительную часть пенсий и за следующий год потратить на глушилки всемирного интернета от Google.

Легендарные и самые богатые инвесторы мира

          Investment – This is one of the ways to multiply your finances and achieve financial independence. There are many legendary and successful investors in the world, who, with their actions and decisions, have left a huge mark on the world of finance. In this article, we will look at a few of these legendary and richest investors in the world, and also learn their secrets of success.

Investing in Facebook and Twitter

Timofey Martynov: Conclusion on FB and TWTR: The securities are not interesting to invest at such prices. JC: As I remember now, the same was said about …

Twitter: Twitter investors rushed

On Friday, shares of a bankrupt Boston retailer, liquidated back in 2008 year, took off on 1800%, with less 1 cent per share to 15 cents due to confusion over Twitter's IPO announcement. Boston Tweeter shares traded under the symbol TWTRQ, but in Google Finance they appear as "TWTR Inc". Twitter announced, that their symbol would be TWTR, some investors rashly began to buy TWTRQ until FINRA stopped trading on Tweeter at about 684% growth "due to significant uncertainty".


  Became known, that Microsoft is currently working on a revolutionary translation system, allowing to recognize the user's voice, and then speak the translated text with this voice.   It is worth noting, that similar solutions already exist, however, they all use an impersonal computer voice. In this case, a 3D avatar of the user with his own voice will communicate in a foreign language. In this way, people can “communicate” in other languages, without studying them.


Let's deal with that, what is better not to tell an investor at a meeting. 1. “Business plans for newbies”. Some startups think for some reason, that they don't need a business plan, and they prefer to think about their business “only in the context of the business model according to the Osterwalder scheme”. This, certainly, Okay, however, first of all, you need a business plan for your understanding of what you are doing and what indicators you expect to achieve after a certain time. 2. “We will make a product, and users will come by themselves”. Yes, the Dropbox effect leaves no one indifferent. But this is rather an exception., than the rule. In most cases, viral marketing starts working then, when the company already has a successful operating history and has spent a significant amount of money on marketing.

The sad story of the best Russian programmer VS Goldman Sachs

A month after that, how in 2009 Sergey Aleinikov, the leading programmer of Goldman Sachs, left the company, he was detained. Not the FBI, no jury, seems, did not fully understand, what did he do?. Goldman Sachs accused him of stealing ten megabytes of computer code, and a 41-year-old father of three received eight years in prison. This is the story of the confrontation between an ordinary workaholic and an accusatory machine..

Predicting stock prices using Google and Wikipedia

Tobias Preuss and colleagues from the University of Warwick Business School undertook to check, is it possible to track processes in the real world through the virtual world. To do this, they analyzed the open materials of Google Trends., as well as Google Hot Trends - public apps, showing, how often a specific search query is entered in relation to the total volume of queries in different regions of the world and in different languages. It has already been noted before, that due to the sharply growing frequency of requests such as "flu treatment", such a tool can detect an influenza epidemic a little earlier, how the health departments of a particular country or region will "guess" about it. What about business?

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