
Exercises for the eyes

For the sake of good vision, do not regret 10 minutes per day. Eye charger works wonders, if you do it regularly. Of the proposed 10 exercises you can choose from five, but the whole complex needs to be devoted approximately 10 minutes every day. 1. Blink frequently for two minutes - this normalizes intraocular circulation. 2. Slant your eyes to the right, and then look in a straight line. Do the same in the opposite direction.. 3. Feel the darkness. Is considered, that immersion in darkness promotes the production of rhodopsin in light-sensitive cells - a substance, necessary for clear vision. 4. Do circular rotations with your head: right left, up down. This activates blood circulation..

5 tips to improve the health of a trader

Dream, dream, sleep and sleep again! Some professionals work on 10-12 hours, which in itself is not a very healthy activity. All this time the stress will build up and build up. On average, a person needs at least 8 hours of night sleep, so that the body and consciousness are restored for new heights. Let's add, that dream (most of it) must be night, since the hormone melatonin is produced at night. Lack of sleep leads to lack of clear thinking, impaired memory and bad mood.

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