Illumina Overview: microchips, DNA and coronavirus

Illumina Company (NASDAQ: ILMN) - American company, engaged in genetic research. Coronacrisis has spoiled her sales., but recovery is just around the corner. Investors should take into account the fact, that the company's expansion into more promising areas met with strong resistance from regulators.

Stock ticker

Ticker (English. ticker symbol) - short name of quoted instruments (Shares, bonds, indices) in stock information. Is a unique identifier within one exchange or information system. Used for that, so as not to constantly print in the bulletins the full name of securities or other objects of trade. A short name is usually one to six characters long and is assigned to a security when it is listed. Capital letters of the Latin alphabet are traditionally used.. These are usually abbreviations or short names. (International Business Machines — IBM), abbreviations or truncations of names (Microsoft — MSFT, RAO UES of Russia - EESR). Numeric and alphanumeric tickers are commonly used on Asian exchanges, adapted for international trade. For example, Toshiba ticker on the Tokyo Stock Exchange - 6502.

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