

Russian adepts of the doctrine, featured in the film by Olga Drozdova, do not look completely healthy people, at the level of religious sectarians, memorized mantras and rituals. I understand, that progress cannot be stopped, that with a high degree of probability, household robots will soon fill our homes, we will begin to grow organs (- OK then, I'll grow myself new boobs, heart…, one friend of mine said in a conversation; – I like the consistency of your thoughts), that Ray Kurzweil made very accurate predictions, and the singularity will happen in the coming years / decades. Will it make us feel good?? A trivial example, whether mammals and other creatures became better from the appearance of man on Earth. Somehow already wrote, that I consider death to be an ideal evolutionary mechanism http://maxim-pr.livejournal.com/185530.html And you will also look at some homo sapiens – understand, whatever physical immortality, no virtual, for the common good of civilization, they absolutely should not acquire (though, Who am i, to decide). Now the guys have a fix idea – survive, died, means, lost. For this they give up many things., are working on, so that in their opinion, turn into a superman, or at least leave your virtual cast and brains frozen. Good, reached. What's next? Life in the matrix for what further idea, when eternity lies ahead?

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Think, the next five to seven years, we will witness, how electric cars will gradually replace their smoking counterparts.

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