I went to the Terminator…

что можно сказать? "Да, there were people in our time ''. Арнольд тянет весь movie, actually, because of him and went. About the rest of the actors, better, at all, nothing, but see the first part, for comparison. I would not write about this event, but the topic of time travel, often suggestive: seductively, return to the past, and give yourself some advice,albeit not explicit, намеком… Now, if you rewind back about 7-10-15 years…25, may be, you meet yourself young, что скажете? Open solutions are prohibited. Can't speak, put on this command, or don't marry that woman, buy dollar and sell Gazprom. But advise to develop some quality – you are welcome. I would, yourself unambiguously, recommended to develop communication and persuasion. Ability to solve problems in an enlarged manner, without getting bogged down in trifles. But some technical points you need to know, at least in principle, in outline. Not all people, are your mirror copy, respectively, in a specific situation, they can do something completely different from you. Alas, but not everyone can be trusted, especially, in the matter of money and fulfillment of obligations, that's why, use control mechanisms. To realize, what people's point of view – just an opinion, and not the truth, in the last resort, and stop worrying about it. Reduce the share of internet and blogs, In my life. Empty parties – too. In the current situation, you do not influence politics in any way, so writing about her – also empty – you can leave, at the hobby level, to understand historical processes. But by specialty, read / write is necessary. Defend your opinions and interests harder. Some, politeness and good upbringing, perceived as weakness. Мне почему-то, it took a very long time, to understand, that the right is perceived as the wrong, who is really right or professional in the matter, and who was more convincing, for this audience, was on one, with her, волне. Consequently, not necessary, be too smart, rather to behave like this – it scares away. It is enough to be perceived as clear and intelligible :) Не скатываться в крайности. Don't be overly skeptical, but also do not follow all the advice of all kinds of gurus. Nihilism – разрушителен, t.ch.. and for your own health. Walk more. But with tough, traumatic sports – more careful. Engage in oriental spiritual practices, but without extremism. Indulge yourself in pleasure, not be overly stressful and ascetic. Letting go of the situation sometimes, but do not let the decision completely take its course. Probably, it was necessary to show more attention and interest in people…     Interesting, that almost all the advice came from the field of psychology and planning…
 As for my market hobby. Specific recommendations, under the terms of our hypothetical deal, time travel, you can't give (sell the ruble against the dollar in may, and buy in december, хе-хе). That's why, изучай technical analysis. Read a few books, and listen to five or six lectures, can be several times. Subscribe to several blogs of smart traders-analysts-practitioners. Don't frend everyone, who trades on the fund and participate in all discussions. You need to do your analytics, but to publish it – not necessary – you can catch an asterisk, if you are lucky to be repeatedly right, or will you play to prove your own righteousness, in front of the public, and not by researching an objective picture. A year and a half, two, на изучение, hugging charts. From the fundamental, it is enough to understand the basic principles and dependencies. Don't put a lot of money into your account. Throw a small amount on a cent forex, when will you merge, add more. Learn programming! Make robots, develop and test strategies, the more, all the better, calculate the risks. Not, do not order an advisor" from programmers (unless there is a goal to look at the required solution in the code), only on my own. Remember, один путный robot, costs more, than the opinion of a dozen near-market pseudo-intellectuals, and fifty magazine analysts. Understanding and following these rules, will save your time multiple times, money and keep you healthy.

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