Again about payment cards.

Returning to the topic of the poor quality of VTB Bank cards
I have never had problems with paying for various services on the Internet. Problems started, when the last Lithuanian card expired and since it's too lazy to go there, some time ago I had to take a Russian VTB bank card for the first time. The first few days, payments abroad went through. They don't pass now — already disconnected from eSignal for non-payment, next in line Telechart. Well what — have to use free services like Yahoo and Google to get end-of-day data.

Today all problems were solved for 5 minutes. Went downstairs to the store, paid a payment for a virtual Visa card in the QIWI payment terminal, received her data on the mobile phone, returned home and paid everything that was needed. Everything went smoothly.

And that's all for 5 minutes!!!! I received a VTB card for about a month, at first they said to come maximum through 10 days, I came even later, but they said they were not ready yet, come next week. Stand in line at the bank, the road takes time — half a day is lost for all these events and as a result, the card is not valid. And here — smooth 5 minutes and payments go through without any problems at all.

So that, who needs, read about virtual card

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