Rezvyakov vs Gerchik

Published on the portal in the blog Maxim_Pr. You can comment here or there.

I wrote about Gerchik's seminar not so long ago in LJ, and here Martynov posted an interview with Alexander Rezvyakov on his blog, which I listened to with interest. And got interested. Heard about him many times before, but before that I saw only a small calculation on the channel `` About money ''. Quite commonplace things were said there., like letting profit flow, резать убытки, trade trends and comfortable amounts. However, presenters and invited experts spoke more, than Alexander. I got to look for available materials on the Internet, but to be honest, found very little in the public domain.

Several 10-minute lecture scraps, practically repeating one another, and a small fragment of the seminar on the Ukrainian website.  Opinion, however it happened, и очень хорошее.

Now to the topic title. What are the fundamental differences, in my opinion, with his overseas colleague.

Gerchik призывает пахать, shoveling thousands of stock charts, all thoughts and conversations of a trader should be occupied by the market (more or less like this). Rezvyakov convinces to focus on a single tool – фьючерсе на индекс РТС. Is talking, what can trade 1-2 days a month, devoting life to other things. Gerchik, насколько я понял, more busy looking for turning points, because. the system is built at the entrance to the rebound from strong levels with short stops. Rezvyakov trades trends – the chance of their continuation is much greater, and profit is more significant, than entering a counter-trend. Gerchik calls for trading on the western markets, there is more liquidity, Rezvyakov objects, that it is easier to trade Russia, and there is enough liquidity here too. Positions himself as a pure tech analyst. Doesn't advise listening to experts, следить за новостями, watch other instruments, because. this is against the classic TA. Throws a small pebble in the fundamentalist garden" – for example, price is traded here – And he, according to some of his methods calculated, that it should cost so much, и значит, someday she will be there (draws an ascending line upward), but very often, the price turns out as a result here (draws a line down). Share стоит ровно столько, how much are willing to pay for it at the moment. No one can know, where will the market go, while fundamental analysis works on very large intervals. If the price went like this (draws a strong candlestick down and a small correction) there is every reason to believe, what will she go on. On which movement we will take more profit, here, or here…? Seemingly clear and obvious things, but he serves them correctly, доступно. I would call his approach efficient and energy-efficient.. Gerchik has a somewhat extensive method.. And the seminars themselves, despite all the charisma, more blah blah blah, посмеяться, anecdotes to poison, stories from life, and the practical benefit is less by an order of magnitude.

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