PWR : Quanta Services

PWR : Quanta Services
Sector: Capital Goods > Industry: Construction Services
Quantum Services, Inc. (Quantities), specialty contracting service provider. The company operates in two publication-worthy business segments: infrastructure services and dark fiber. Infrastructure services segment provides specialized contracting services, offering uninterrupted power grid solutions, gas, telecommunications and cable TV industries. Dark fiber segment projects, provides, builds and maintains optical fiber telecommunications infrastructure in selected markets, and licenses the right to use point-to-point fiber optic telecommunication services for customers. In the consolidated revenues of the Company during the year, completed 31 December 2008, 56.8 % were related to the operation of electricity, 20.8 % to gas work; 14.2 % to telecommunications and cable television, And 6.6 % to support services. In April 2008, The company acquired a telecommunications and cable construction company. In July 2008, it acquired a helicopter-assisted transmission line installation, maintenance and repair service company. In November 2008, it acquired two affiliated professional telecommunications engineering companies.

Quantum clients include American Electric Power, AT&T, BC Transmission Corporation, CenterPoint Energy, Comcast, Crosstex Energy Services, Duke Energy, Entergy, Exelon, Florida Power & Light, Georgia Power Company, Northeast Utilities System, Pacific Gas and Electric, Puget Sound Energy, San Diego Gas & Electric, Energy company Sempra, Southern California Edison, Коммуникации Verizon, Energy Westar, Inc., Wisconsin Utilities and Xcel Energy. 10 customers of the quanta explained 30.3 % of his consolidated income during 2008. His client explained approximately 4.4 % his consolidated income in 2008.

Infrastructure Services Segment

Quants provide a variety of end-to-end services to the electricity and gas industries, including installation, equipment repair and maintenance of power transmission lines, located in the capacity from 69 000 Tue to 765 000 tue; installation, equipment repair and maintenance of power distribution networks; service planning condition for electrical distribution networks; agitated attitude, maintenance and upgrades, using bare hand and hot stick techniques and her robotic arm, and design and construction of an independent power producer (IPP) transmission and substation services. Other services include design and construction of substation projects; installation of fiber optic lines for voice, video and data transmission on the existing electricity infrastructure; installation of a broadband network over a power line (PLACE OF BIRTH) electrical distribution technology; installation and maintenance of joint trench systems, which include electricity, natural gas and telecommunications networks in one trench; trenching and horizontal boring for underground power grid installations; project and installation of wind turbine services; installation of redundant systems, switchyards and communication networks for renewable power plants generation, like the wind and the sun; condition of technical strategic advice for electrical transmission and distribution systems; cable and fault location and storm damage and other emergency recovery work. Quants provide various services to the natural gas industry, including installation and maintenance of gas transmission and distribution systems; trenching and horizontal boring for underground gas network installations; condition of cathodic protection design and installation services, and the condition of testing pipeline and service integrity.

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Telecommunications quanta and cable TV network services include fiber optic, copper and coaxial cable installation, and service for video, data and voice transmission; project, construction and maintenance of a digital subscriber line (DSL) the network; lease of point-to-point telecommunications infrastructure through its dark fiber business; development and installation of cell, digital, personal communication systems (PC), microwave and other radio towers; project, and installation of switching systems for incumbent local exchange airlines, newly competitive local exchange airlines, distant suppliers and suppliers of cable TV. Other services include installation and maintenance of joint trench systems, which include telecommunications, electricity and natural gas networks in one trench; trenching and plowing applications; horizontal directional boring; vacuum excavation services; cable arrangement; modernization of power and telecommunications infrastructure for cable installations; connecting and testing fibers optical and copper networks and balance cover the certificate of coaxial networks; residential installation and customer connect, and analog and digital, for cable TV, phone and internet services, and storm damage and other emergency recovery work.

Quants provide a range of ancillary services to commercial, industrial and government entities, including the project, Installation, maintenance and repair of electrical parts, fiber optic telegraphy and building control and automation systems, and installation of intelligent transport networks, such as traffic signals, dispatchers, connecting signals, variable message signs, cable TV and other control devices for governments. Other services include the installation of cable and control systems for light rail lines, airports and highways, specialty condition shakes trenching, the rock saw, mountain wheel, directional boring and road grinding for industrial and commercial customers, and installation of refueling systems.

Dark Fiber Segment

The company provides services, fiber-related telecommunications services, That, includes a project, acquisition and construction of optical fiber telecommunication services, with property, saved by this. It is licensing the right to use part of the capacity of fiber-optic telecommunications services and the ongoing maintenance of fiber-optic telecommunications services, licensed to customers.

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