Terminal linking software

Many traders use different trading platforms and charts and would like to link them together, because. they do not always link to each other independently. For example, you are not satisfied charts in Takion and you want to use Thinkorswim, but these programs are not related to each other in any way and you cannot view tickers at the same time in both. There are special linker programs for this. (further just linkers), which connect platforms to each other in a certain way. First, let's define the terms, which we will use.

Indirect linking

trading platforms are not linked directly. In this case, the tickers are managed by the linker, and to download some ticker in several linked programs, you must select it directly in the linker itself. For some traders this will be inconvenient., because. the platform used may already have funds to receive tickers (ie. filters or so called. sorters) and it will be inconvenient for them to use the linker to download tickers.

External linking

linking used programs directly without the need to use a linker as a source of tickers. For example, you navigate your watchlist in Thinkorswim and your chosen ticker is uploaded to the ROX platform. When linking externally, the linker only acts as a link, all work takes place directly in the platforms. Distinguish between unidirectional and bidirectional external linking. At one-way linking tickers, which open in one program, for example, in Thinkorswim schedule, loaded into the second,but not vice versa (changing the ticker in the second program does not entail its display in the first program). Bi-directional linking links programs in both directions.
Consider linkers, which exist at the moment. The list is in alphabetical order..


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linker with minimal functionality. One of the oldest linkers apart from Trade Ideas, which is more of a market sorter, than the linker. Most likely written by young traders from the team of Alexander Mikhailovich Gerchik in 2009 year. Contains three ticker lists. Fast ticker entry. Has a universal linking algorithm, which allows linking multiple platforms. Shows you a message asking you to donate once a month, which cannot be disabled. Applies to indirectly linked linkers. I never had an official website and is actually spreading from hand to hand. Some Brokers offer to download it on their support pages. Some resources: [1]

Linker Clicker


– linker with minimal functionality. Links Thinkorswim with Graybox. Contains three ticker lists. Treats linkers as indirect, and with external linking. Distributed from http://www.2stocks.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=17467.
Linker Link

Lislon Linker

linker with minimal functionality. Allows you to link two sets of windows at once. Refers to linkers with external linking. At first 2013 the project was abandoned, all topics on the site are littered with spam. The latest version is reported to be unstable, and the previous version is no longer available for download. Distributed from http://soft.lislon.ru/lislon-linker. Some resources: [1] [2]

Linker Lislon Linker

SmartApple Linker

linker with minimal functionality. Links Thinkorswim with any other terminal. Refers to linkers with external linking. Doesn't work well on Windows according to user reports 7. Distributed from http://smartapple.biz, which has expired. May be distributed on forums or blogs. Some resources: [1]

Linker SmartApple Linker

Trade Ideas

linker from the company of the same name. Actually, it's not even a linker, and the market sorter, which, as a bonus, has a link function. Has a universal linking algorithm, which allows linking multiple platforms. Tickers are taken from filters only, you cannot create lists with your own tickers. Applies to indirectly linked linkers. Distributed from the site http://www.trade-ideas.com. Some resources: [1] [2][3]

Linker Trade Ideas

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Trader’s Home Task

– extended linker. Supports up to eight ticker lists. Allows you to add tickers directly from Finviz. Contains a function for taking screenshots. Fast ticker entry. Supports plugins. Has a universal linking algorithm, which allows linking multiple platforms. Treats linkers as indirect, and with external linking. Distributed from the site http://sourceforge.net/projects/tht. Some resources: [1] [2] [3]

Linker Trader's Home Task (THT)

UT Switcher

linker with minimal functionality from United Traders. Has eight ticker lists. Supports a limited number of platforms: StrategyDesk, GrayBox, Laser Trade, Advanced GET, Blackwood Pro, eSignal Pro, Sterling Trader Pro. When you click on the appropriate platform, the window button finds itself. Applies to indirectly linked linkers.


linker with minimal functionality for linking the Madscan scanner and the Aurora platform. Has no graphical interface, works simply in the system tray. In the pivot table below referred to as M + A. Distributed from http://blogstocks.ru/blog/13479.html.
Amazing, but the fact: all these linkers except Trade Ideas were written by Russian or Russian speaking users.

Linker UT Switcher

Summary table of capabilities:

Program Number of ticker lists Indirect linking External linking Platforms External ticker sources Saving Link Points Settings Several languages
Clicker 3 + all
Link 3 + + Not all
Lislon Linker + Not all
M+A + Not all
SmartApple Linker + Not all
Trade Ideas + all + + + +
Trader’s Home Task 1-8 + + all + + + +
UT Switcher 8 + Not all

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