Polymetal and Evraz excluded from FTSE100 index

Polymetal and Evraz excluded from FTSE100 index

Two large mining companies with assets in Russia and elsewhere in the world, Polymetal and Evraz, with 21 The leading London stock index FTSE 100 will leave march after the collapse of their quotes against the background of new US and EU sanctions against Russia, which follows from the FTSE note Russell.

With 23 In February, Evraz securities on the London Stock Exchange lost 79% value and trade cheaper than the pound per share, and Polymetal fell on 74% – up to the price slightly higher 2 Pounds. The joint share of both companies in the index does not exceed 0,1%.

The inclusion of companies in indices usually serves as a positive signal for investors., as it increases the reputation of the business and is accompanied by an inflow of capital from hedge funds. Prospects for exclusion from benchmarks can be considered the opposite: the exit of institutional investors and the continued fall in the share price of issuers.

FTSE 100 is the leading British index and one of the main stock market indicators in Europe, which is calculated by FTSE Russell with 3 January 1984. It consists of 100 "blue chips", that is, the companies with the largest capitalization on the London Stock Exchange.

Polymetal and Evraz excluded from FTSE100 index

Polymetal and Evraz excluded from FTSE100 index

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