Let's talk about motives

Need to say, that since childhood I really like to read. This is why, that, due to my complex nature, it was difficult for me to get along among my peers. The real world was aggressive towards me (so i saw, though, must admit, that it was a reaction to my behavior), and the world of dreams, book world – positive. In a fictional, in an imaginary world i could be wrong, whom everyone knew and kicked, and presented himself as the main character on a white horse, who rescued people in trouble, was strong, honest, courageous… Оттого я научился сильно погружаться в Books, for me reality just disappears, when i read an interesting book.

But, признаюсь, I haven't read fiction for a long time, from the last – Akunin, I read a series about Fandorin Erast, but I can't say, that was impressed. In a rather formulaic way, he writes, although the character is colorful designed, you will not say anything. But this is a preface, post about something else. More and more in recent years, the literature on self-development has been pressed: leadership, Good luck, transerfing, etc.. Maybe, from trading overloads. I had to look for some kind of support, assistance from authors, who say, that everyone can achieve everything, чего пожелает… Among the popular nowadays books of such authors, like Joe Vitale, Ronda Bern, Napoleon Hill, Jack Canfield et al. i found one, which was written back in the USSR Orlov Yu.M... Called «Self-knowledge and self-education of character: Conversations of a psychologist with high school students«.

It says so at the very beginning:

Reflecting on that, who I am and what I am, the question of whether, what am i made of, from what constituent elements. From cells? But only my body consists of them. Of desires? But my desires then arise, то исчезают. Here, for example, I am hungry at the moment. And after I have had my fill of food, my hunger disappears; but I myself do not disappear at this time. Я все-таки есть, although during the fast it seemed to me, that I have turned into a food craving. May be, after I have eaten and satisfied the need for food, I have already turned into a desire to read a book or play football? Certainly, about a person can be judged by his desires and that, what does he want at the moment. But our drives are too fluid, changeable, so that we can identify with them. Therefore, it will not be entirely correct to say: “I am that, what i want ".

However, if you look closely at people, it's easy to see, that they differ from each other in that, what they want and how they strive to satisfy their desires. You can say, that they differ in a set of needs and themes, how these needs are aroused, with what force they manifest themselves and how are they satisfied. These features can be called traits of manifestation of needs..

But that is not all. In addition to our desires and that, how these needs are met, people differ from each other also in that, how quickly get tired, go into work, whether they are balanced or not, patient or impatient, Do they recover quickly after fatigue. You can say, that they differ in their temperament. I, being a schoolboy, wondered if, каков у меня темперамент. Reflecting on your actions and behavior, I have come to the conclusion, what do I have in myself and choleric, and sanguine features. Then it seemed to me, what if i find out, какой мой темперамент, then I will move very little in self-knowledge. Этим, казалось мне, I know wrong, what constitutes my true personality, but something natural, inherited, which does not depend on me at all and does not constitute my essence. Я был уверен, what is much more important to know about yourself, am I brave or cowardly, courageous or weak-minded, confident or not sure, true or false, as I have repeatedly had to tell lies not only to teachers, but also to parents, to "spare" their good mood. I have repeatedly had to prove myself and brave, and unusually cowardly. To answer these questions, I compared myself to others. It seemed to me, what if others think, that i am true, then they may be wrong, if I know for sure about myself, that I had to lie. Many thought about my comrade Petka, that he is a liar, since he loved to tell stories about himself; but, when he confessed to the act, who was the subject of a class meeting, we didn't believe, подумали, that he is not telling the truth. Was, that he was right, although his confession did not bring him anything pleasant, since his father had to insert glass into the windows of the school workshop, and he was afraid of his father. We never fully understood, why Petka the liar suddenly turned out to be amazingly - and unprofitable for himself - truthful. This made me think, that an important feature of a person is not only his act, but even then, for what reason he does this act. Psychologists call these reasons motives of actions. The motive is understood as, an act is done. So it's not hard to understand, that people can differ from each other not only in behavior, but also the motives of this behavior. Knowing yourself or knowing others, thus, requires insight into ulterior motives. They, who are dominated by some motives, differ from those, which are dominated by other motives. Several excellent students can sharply and significantly differ from each other in terms of, for what they strive for the highest success. One can do it from. striving to become better than others or better than everyone, take first place, another - from that, so as not to listen to the grumbling of the father, который считает, that since he himself was an excellent student, then his children should also study excellently; the third, unexpectedly for myself, turns out to be an excellent student, because he likes to comprehend everything to the end, And, whatever he does, he tries to do it better, than before. Even a non-psychologist is clear, that the difference between these people is enormous and their subsequent fate will be different only due to differences in the motivation of their behavior. The first will seek public acceptance by any means., the second will only work then, when there is control and responsibility, and when there will be no control, then he will be covered with apathy and weakness. Only the third will be able to realize their plans to achieve those higher goals., to which he aspires. So when we wonder if, who i am, then it makes sense to think about, what am I studying or working for.

And here I have a question for myself: what is my motivation in trading? What drives me to, that despite numerous difficulties and obstacles, I still see myself only as a trader, trading in financial markets? This is not an easy question and it requires good thinking.. I also offer you, dear readers, join the reflection on this important question. You don't have to publicly share your thoughts., main – understand for yourself the hidden reasons for your decisions.

  Hooray, life has become more fun :)

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