Why am I bullish on Intel

Briefly, without delving into fundamental analysis of Intel stock, although now the assessment from a historical perspective does not look expensive.
We are now on the verge of a new boom in the mobile sphere. Wireless internet speed and bandwidth has grown so much, which allows you to `` surf the Internet" without any frustration. At the same time, not only enjoy text and visual information, but also video. Still 3G for me personally was not enough for complete satisfaction, but the advent of 4G and LTE will do that, what was previously available only to full-fledged computers.
New mobile devices will have such properties, which can already replace laptop functions to a greater extent. New powerful mobile microchips and high-speed wireless standards create a new market.
It seems to me, what will change the perception of Intel as a PC manufacturer( although already changing). Imagine, what did you think before, that Intel will cease to be a growth company since the computer market has reached saturation. But it was not there, technologies are improving and many applications are also migrating to the mobile environment, therefore mobile processors are needed. If a household can have one computer, then there will be at least as many mobile devices in the future, how many family members. These are mobile phones and iPADs And so on, and they will be repeatedly improved.
The sharks of the technical business space understand, where it will smell like blood and try to do everything possible to position yourselfwww.nytimes.com/2010/02/22/technology/22chip.html
I don’t doubt it, that Intel will be the winner in the short term. I see no threat. To produce a low cost microchip from the start, not having such a base as Intel, almost impossible.
Intel's latest corporate reports showed, that they did a great job with being overweight" and can maintain high profitability. It should be noted, that during the hot time Intel was bargaining in the area 30 P/E( Internet boom is not considered). And this can lead the assessment of the company easily into 50 Dollars. But I will be conservative and believe, what 30 dollars is quite a fair price for the next 12-18 Months, provided there are no extraordinary events of the type 6 May. If there are such days 5-6, then…….

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