Why do so many people do bullshit ?

I have formed an opinion, that many forex traders, the stock exchange, etc. just like to draw lines, customize indicators, understand wave analysis, учатся всему что далеко от трейдинга. Why People Don't Do More Important Things, to trade in a plus, not much to start with, I'm not talking about experienced traders, there everyone has their own individual problems.
You don't need much :

  • Find the trading method that suits you
  • Learn Math, many stupidly do not understand or do not want to comply with money management.
  • Trade not on indicators, waves and other nonsense, and to understand yourself schedule, why is it growing here, and then falls, find optimal entry and exit points.
  • Trade only what has the potential and can bring good profits.
  • The main thing is not how much you did in dollars, and how much did you do in cents ( points), the large volume of the position on the small movement does not make you a good trader, and helps to lose faster.
  • Work, work and work on yourself, over errors, disassemble constantly trades.
  • Find ways to improve your trading, what to change and improve and throw away, что не работает.
  • Mat waiting is very important, think if they will bring you 1000 such transactions profit or not.

This is a small list of things to do in my opinion., it's not complete.

This is for those who already know how to press buttons and tried themselves in trading…

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