based on the book & quot; one good trade"

in five days I read the book `` one good trade" от главы SMB Capital – Mike Bae. (sorry, Mike, but I still don't understand how to pronounce your surname correctly)…

friends, for me, this reading turned out to be like a breath of fresh air in the scattered outhouse of the Mossovet Theater.
I am extra motivated!
I hammered a bolt on all the penis stacks (ах, repent, I'm looking at a couple:)
I hammered a bolt on all types of trades, что делал раньше (but every night I break my forehead into blood in prayers, so that it starts working again like spring:)))
I switched to a new laser (… and he's fucking! how do you hotkey, нажав который вам мигом открывается финвиз в браузере с уже вбитым в поиск стаком со всеми параметрами доходности, shortflout, chart and other fucking? your sperm can do that? your A….apchi can do that?)
I rewrote myself a layout from scratch, removing nakuy level2 windows (break pattern, Yes, nusetraders?:)

I poked myself in 6 tapes, from which, after half an hour of trading, the stars float in front of my eyes, but they float in the right direction.
I forced myself to concentrate primarily on prints, это единственное, what i know better than the rest. perhaps, this is my only advantage in the market – understanding of the tape..

one good trade book" just directed me to that, where my skills will work for everything 100%. and she fell into my hands just in time.

now to the specifics..
yesterday stock HGSI была тыскыть "ин-плей", I noticed yesterday's level by 13 alert and today it bore fruit again.
пара весёлых картинков:

  Immediately you can see a person with a concept ....
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