The first blockchain mutual fund in Russia

The first blockchain mutual fund in Russia

A few years ago there was no technology more fashionable than blockchain. Then the blockchain seemed to have faded into the shadows. What's with him now?

PwC estimates, to 2030 year, the introduction of blockchain should bring the world economy $1,76 trillion and stimulate creation 40 million jobs. Blockchain is already being actively used, for example, in the financial industry - in particular, PayPal и Square.

Want to, so that blockchain leaders are in your portfolio? For this, we created the Digital Galaxy Foundation. This is the first fund in Russia, investing in shares of world companies, who develop blockchain solutions.


• Low entry threshold. You can invest in the fund from $15*
• The portfolio is managed by a professional. You don't need to dive into the industry and choose the securities of blockchain companies: an experienced manager will do everything for you.
• Tax incentives. If you own more than 3 years no need to pay tax from the profit from their sale

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