Bundle of investment news: Macy’s, how IT specialists live in the USA and who to give money to

        <img class="aligncenter" src="https://daytradergt.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/7347ccba5a5305c8c9d6906d20f52147.jpg" alt="Пачка инвестновостей: Macy&rsquo;s, как&nbsp;живут айтишники в США и кому дать денег" />

Macy's can create a new company cooler than itself. Programmers in the U.S. are ruining employers — though, nothing new. PwC gives an analysis of Americans' spending - looking for winners. We understand, how to make money on floods in the usa.

Disclaimer: when we talk about, that something has grown, we mean a comparison with the same quarter a year earlier. Since all issuers are from the USA, then all results in dollars. When creating the material, sources were used, inaccessible to users from the Russian Federation. We hope, Do you know, what to do.

Captain Obvious reminds

American NGO National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) published an analysis of the labor market in the field of IT in the USA. As of 6 September, there were 1.2 million IT vacancies in the United States - which is 15% more, than in the spring of 2021. The smallest increase was among the vacancies of database architects — 2%, and most of all there were vacancies for computer network architects - an increase by 24%. But in most cases, with IT jobs, we can see double-digit growth rates.. Also in the analysis draws attention to a fairly well-known fact: the needs of American IT employers cannot be closed at the expense of only American specialists.

Overall, this is all very bad news for companies., working in the field of IT. Salaries there are already high., and now we'll have to pick them up.. Moreover, the import of foreign specialists will not solve the problem - or rather,, it will not be solved. Within the United States, there is a fairly serious opposition to an increase in the supply of qualified specialists., who come on an H-1B visa, because Americans quite rightly believe, that this is how corporations save at the expense of American workers. Basically, we have already analyzed this plot in the review Google.

On the way to hiring foreigners from India, from the Philippines, from Russia and other countries, where are many programmers, there are many purely non-market obstacles. Now the limit on issuing H-1B visas to the United States is 85 thousand pieces per year - moreover, moreover,, that U.S. companies applied for 308,600 such visas for fiscal 2022 alone.

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Actually, the visa issue will exacerbate the underlying IT shortage problem: large companies like Microsoft and Google will have nothing left, except to increase the level of wages within the United States, but with their large reserves of money and access to cheap credit, they can afford it.. This will lead to an even greater depletion of labor stocks., wage growth in the sector, And, Consequently, small unprofitable startups will be forced to increase salaries, which can make them even more unprofitable. What, certainly, will be very bad for their shareholders.

Share and invest

Investor-activist fund Jana Partners, having a stake in Macy's department store chain (NYSE: M), demanded that Macy's management separate the company's online division into a separate enterprise and let it be traded on the stock exchange. From this it is clear, that Macy's shareholders will receive a proportional number of shares in the new venture. According to Jana Partners, a separate "online Macy's" can achieve capitalization significantly higher than the level of the current Macy's.

Obviously, Jana Partners focuses on the actions of another retailer Hudson's Bay, which also spins off its online division Saks.com into a separate company.

So far, Macy's management has not responded to this offer., but in general, separating the online division into a separate company can really bring significant benefits to Macy's shareholders.. The popularity of the "purely online" store on the stock exchange will definitely be higher, than the long-suffering Macy's, who was doing badly before the pandemic — and with the pandemic it got even worse..

«I brought gifts to you, let it be a little screwy "

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) released the results of a study of consumer plans of Americans for this season of holidays in November - December. These grandiose plans: the average American is going to spend 1447 $ — as much as on 20% more, than a year ago. When compared with the "pre-war" 2019, then the growth is still not bad — 13%.

How will the amount of spending be divided: 767 $ - for gifts, 461 $ - for travel and 219 $ - for entertainment. Millennials are going to spend the most this season - 1646 $. And least of all - Generation Z - 1154 $. The most bravious spending plans for people with household incomes in the region of 65 thousand per year - which is approximately the same as the average American level of household income.. So in a way, you could say., that the U.S. economy as a whole is back to normal.

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Who will benefit from this?? The most obvious answer "retailers" becomes less obvious on closer examination of the situation.. Chances are high, that the high revenue in this industry will be outweighed by the strongest cost growth. So that, it seems to me, the surest way to win back this factor on the stock exchange is to be together with fintech companies.. In their case, the increase in cash flow is the right commission from the increased volume of payments..

Also 52% respondents reported, that they are going to travel a lot this season, - And 72% of respondents plan to travel by car, which will be very good for gas stations and car repair shops. So far only 40% plan to use airlines - so I would not count on a significant improvement in the situation in their case.

Give me some money

НКО First Street Foundation, climate risk assessor, issued a voluminous report, dedicated to the risks of flooding of infrastructure and private property in the United States. Perhaps, the most interesting thing there is the assessment of the risks of flooding of critical infrastructure such as hospitals, airports and administrative buildings – almost 25%. Also, the risk of flooding looms over 2 million miles of roads., 12,4 million residential buildings and one million units of commercial real estate.

Basically, this report could be dismissed as another attempt by the Greens to impose an "eco-friendly lifestyle" on the US., but, judging by the latest news, flooding and hurricanes in the U.S. are a really big problem. So the arguments from this report could well be used to justify spending on strengthening existing infrastructure.. And regardless of the level of ideological bias of the current political administration.: economic life in the United States is concentrated on two coasts, where these risks have always been.

So for the long term, U.S. infrastructure component manufacturers are a very good choice.. Even if companies and regional administrations do not spend on infrastructure preventively, then they will still have to do it after the destruction from the floods.. And that's, that destruction will not be long in coming, there is practically no doubt. For good weather and the absence of encephalitis ticks, most of the United States pays an extremely high level of risk of flooding and hurricanes.. And recent events in New York confirm this..

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