One graph — one major player.

Noticed a common detail in the selling theories of various gurus. They ALWAYS have ONE big player with smart money on their chart, who will scam various small things, possessing stupid money. Type, for example, The Big Player comes in and starts to gain a big position. Nobody bothers him, все остальные шестьдесят миллионов крупных игроков стоят в сторонке когда уже один крупный игрок влез в schedule  — more than one major player on one chart is not allowed…. one major player per chart, otherwise the schedule will become too confusing and the guru will not be able to interpret it in a paid seminar…. it will not be clear where the accumulation took place, and where is the distribution, and the zones of support and resistance will become so blurred that they will not look like zones either :)

  Sber. To short or not to short?
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