American gurus just enrage with their stupidity!
I can't ignore it))
Amazes, what are such persons, how Sem Seyden is generally taken seriously by people.. I am not kidding, someone is reading this!!!
Website priceactionfx removes objectionable arguments, therefore I am submitting for general discussion:
All “water”, except this one:
Исходя из вышенаписанного:
Greatest imbalance – it is when, for example, everyone is trying to buy, but nobody wants to sell. Ie. all on one side. Therefore, there cannot be many deals here..
But that's okay… Самое смешное:
They are, fuck, “заключили” (clever guys PPC…), what zones, in which the strong point, for example, WANTED TO BUY, BUT COULD NOT
stronger zones, в которых SHE WANTED TO BUY AND BOUGHT (accumulated)!
You just think about this phrase. Can you find at least one rational reason for such a statement.? I – NO.
But there are a dozen of reverse reasons.…
At least ask yourself a question, what is more important to you: where did you WANT to buy, but didn't buy… or then, where your deal is OPENED RIGHT NOW?
Is it really possible to argue about it
But there are people, read such materials, how “educational”…