New securities on the Moscow Exchange for December 2021

New securities on the Moscow Exchange for December 2021

In December, new bonds of Russian regions and companies began to be traded on the Moscow Exchange, shares of "Positive Group" and many foreign companies. Also, new exchange-traded mutual funds and ETF.

Part of the new bonds we do not mention. These are securities for qualified investors., bonds maturing more than 10 years from the date of publication of this material, very short papers, e.g. one-day, bonds with yields pegged to some assets and securities, which at the time of preparing the digest had obvious problems with liquidity.

Please note, that now not all securities and derivatives are available to everyone. To access a number of assets, for example, bonds with a rating below AAA, need to take a test. It is not necessary, if before 1 October 2021 the investor had transactions with such assets or if he has the status of a qualified investor. Or you can agree to the risk notice and buy assets, but maximum for 100 000 P or one lot.

We remind, that from 2021 on coupons of any bonds are withheld tax at rate 13% for tax residents of the Russian Federation and 30% for non-residents. This can be avoided, if you are a resident of the Russian Federation and you have IIS, at the closing of which you will apply the type B deduction.

We write the coupon size and the yield before taxes. If you are a resident of the Russian Federation and do not apply a type B deduction for IIS, the coupon size for you will be on 13% less, i.e 0,87 from the one specified in the digest. If you are a non-resident - on 30% less, or 0,7 from the specified. Respectively, profitability will be lower by about the same amount.

Bonds sorted by type: region bonds first, then corporate. Within the types – by maturity date: from short to long. Stocks and exchange-traded funds - at the end of the material.

This is a review, not an investment recommendation. All decisions are yours to make.

Sub-federal bond
Kaliningrad region 35004

Issuer — Ministry of Finance of the Kaliningrad Region.

Repayment — 14 December 2028.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 9,5% per annum, and from mid-December 2027 - 9,35% per annum. Will be 28 coupon periods for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 24 March 2022 in the amount of 23,68 R.

Depreciation. The bond will be redeemed gradually: in December 2025, 2026, 2027 and in 2028, together with the next coupon, they will pay 25% denomination. After depreciation payments, the coupon size in rubles will decrease.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 102,8% denomination. The current yield at this price is 9,24%, simple yield to maturity — 6,84%, effective yield to maturity - 9,13% per annum.

Corporate bond
VTB B-1-252

Issuer — PJSC VTB Bank.

Repayment — 5 December 2022.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 8,6% per annum. Will be 4 coupon period for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 7 March 2022 in the amount of 21,44 R.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 100,55% denomination. The current yield at this price is 8,55%, simple yield to maturity — 7,89%, effective yield to maturity - 8,19% per annum.

Corporate bond
VEB.RF PBO-001R-K116

Issuer — VEB.RF.

Repayment — 23 December 2022.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 8,8% per annum. There will be only one coupon in the amount 87,76 R, which will be paid at maturity of the bond.

30 December this bond could be bought for 101,69% denomination. The current yield at this price is 8,65%, simple yield to maturity — 6,92%, effective yield to maturity - 6,93% per annum.

Corporate bond
VTB B-1-253

Issuer — PJSC VTB Bank.

Repayment — 26 December 2022.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 8,6% per annum. Will be 4 coupon period for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 28 March 2022 in the amount of 21,44 R.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 100,36% denomination. The current yield at this price is 8,57%, simple yield to maturity — 8,17%, effective yield to maturity - 8,45% per annum.

Corporate bond
Alfa-Bank 002R-16

Issuer — Alfa-Bank JSC.

Repayment — 18 June 2023.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 9,55% per annum. Will be 3 coupon periods of 183 days each. The first coupon will be paid 17 June 2022 in the amount of 47,88 R.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 102,3% denomination. The current yield at this price is 9,34%, simple yield to maturity — 7,75%, effective yield to maturity - 7,99% per annum.

Corporate bond
VTB B-1-286

Issuer — PJSC VTB Bank.

Repayment — 24 June 2023.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 8,7% per annum for the first coupon, and for the rest - the Central Bank rate on the second business day before the start of the corresponding coupon period plus 0,2%. In total there will be 18 coupon periods with monthly payments. The first coupon will be paid 28 March 2022 in the amount of 21,44 R, the size of the remaining coupons is not yet known.

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30 December this bond was traded on average for 99,9% denomination. Yield not calculated, since the size of most coupons is unknown.

Corporate bond
SOPF Infrastructure bonds 02

Issuer - LLC "SOPF" Infrastructure bonds "".

Repayment — 15 November 2023.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 9,05% per annum. Will be 4 coupon period. The first coupon will be paid 15 May 2022 in the amount of 35,46 R, further the size of coupons will be 45.62 or 44,88 P depending on the duration of the period.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 100,65% denomination. The current yield at this price is 8,99%, simple yield to maturity — 8,62%, effective yield to maturity - 8,85% per annum.

Corporate bond
Asphalt concrete plant no. 1 001R-02

Issuer — OAO "ABZ-1".

Repayment — 3 December 2024.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 12,75% per annum. Will be 12 coupon periods for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 8 March 2022 in the amount of 31,79 R.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 99,55% denomination. The current yield at this price is 12,81%, simple yield to maturity — 12,84%, effective yield to maturity - 13,56% per annum.

Corporate bond
STC Eurovent BO-P01

Issuer — OOO NTC Eurovent.

Repayment — 8 December 2024. The issuer has the right to early redeem the bonds in December 2022, June 2023, December 2023 or June 2024.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 15% per annum. This rate is valid until mid-June 2023, after which it will be determined as the smaller value of the two:

  1. the key rate of the Central Bank on the seventh business day before the start date of the corresponding coupon period plus 5,75%;
  2. 16% per annum.

In total there will be 36 coupon periods for 30 days each. The first coupon will be paid 23 January 2022 in the amount of 12,33 R.

Depreciation. The bond will be redeemed gradually: May 2023 and January, July, December 2024, along with the next coupon, will be paid on 25% denomination. After depreciation payments, the coupon size in rubles will decrease.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 102,84% denomination. Yield not calculated, since the size of a significant part of coupons is still unknown.

Corporate bond
Glavtorg BO-01

Issuer - LLC "Glavtorg".

Repayment — 12 December 2024.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 14,5% per annum. Will be 12 coupon periods for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 17 March 2022 in the amount of 36,15 R.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 100,04% denomination. The current yield at this price is 14,49%, simple yield to maturity — 14,38%, effective yield to maturity - 15,27% per annum.

Corporate bond
Russian Agricultural Bank BO-11-002R

Issuer — JSC Rosselkhozbank.

Repayment — 12 December 2024.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 9,6% per annum. Will be 6 coupon periods of 182 days each. The first coupon will be paid 16 June 2022 in the amount of 47,87 R. In June 2023 the coupon rate and, respectively, coupon size may change, so be careful.

Offer. If you don't like the new coupon, it will be possible to ask the issuer to redeem bonds ahead of schedule, using the offer. She is assigned to 19 June 2023, applications for participation in it must be submitted from 8 on 15 June 2023. Participation in the offer may be paid, therefore, it is worth checking the tariffs of your broker in advance.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 100,12% denomination. The current yield at this price is 9,59%, simple yield to the offer — 9,47%, effective yield to offer - 9,7% per annum. Yield to maturity cannot be calculated, since the size of not all coupons is known.

Corporate bond
RESO-Leasing BO-P-21

Issuer — RESO-Leasing LLC.

Repayment — 13 December 2024.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 9,6% per annum. Will be 36 coupon periods for 30 days each. The first coupon will be paid 28 January 2022 in the amount of 7,89 R.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 100% denomination. The current yield at this price is 9,6%, simple yield to maturity — 9,59%, effective yield to maturity - 10,02% per annum.

Corporate bond

Issuer — JSC "GK "EKS"".

Repayment — 19 December 2024.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 13% per annum. Will be 12 coupon periods for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 24 March 2022 in the amount of 32,41 R.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 101,02% denomination. The current yield at this price is 12,87%, simple yield to maturity — 12,48%, effective yield to maturity - 13,17% per annum.

Corporate bond
Arenza-Pro BO-01

Issuer — LLC "Arenza-pro".

Repayment — 23 December 2024.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 14,5% per annum. Will be 12 coupon periods for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 28 March 2022 in the amount of 36,15 R.

Depreciation. The bond will be redeemed gradually: starting from September 2022, each coupon will be paid on 10% denomination. After depreciation payments, the coupon size in rubles will decrease.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 100,02% denomination. The current yield at this price is 14,5%, simple yield to maturity — 9,01%, effective yield to maturity - 15,27% per annum.

Corporate bond
Royal Capital BO-P06

Issuer — LLC "Royal-capital".

Repayment — 24 December 2024.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 16,5% per annum. Will be 12 coupon periods for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 29 March 2022 in the amount of 41,14 R.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 105,71% denomination. The current yield at this price is 15,61%, simple yield to maturity — 13,77%, effective yield to maturity - 14,87% per annum.

Corporate bond
Motorhome 001R-01

Issuer — JSC "Autodom".

Repayment — 25 December 2024.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 12,25% per annum. Will be 12 coupon periods for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 30 March 2022 in the amount of 30,54 R.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 100,14% denomination. The current yield at this price is 12,23%, simple yield to maturity — 12,17%, effective yield to maturity - 12,75% per annum.

Corporate bond
Incab BO-01

Issuer — OOO "Inkab".

  CLR : Continental Resources, Inc.

Repayment — 25 December 2024.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 13,5% per annum. Will be 12 coupon periods for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 30 March 2022 in the amount of 33,66 R. In June 2023 the coupon rate and, respectively, coupon size may change, so be careful.

Offer. If you don't like the new coupon, it will be possible to ask the issuer to redeem bonds ahead of schedule, using the offer. She is assigned to 5 July 2023, applications for participation in it must be submitted from 22 on 28 June 2023. Participation in the offer may be paid, therefore, it is worth checking the tariffs of your broker in advance.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 101,09% denomination. The current yield at this price is 13,35%, simple yield to the offer — 12,63%, effective yield to offer - 13,3% per annum. Yield to maturity cannot be calculated, since the size of not all coupons is known.

Corporate bond
Cranberry 002R-01

Issuer — LTD "Brusnika". Construction and development».

Repayment — 10 June 2025.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 11,85% per annum. Will be 14 coupon periods for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 15 March 2022 in the amount of 29,54 R.

Depreciation. The bond will be redeemed gradually: starting from September 2024, each coupon will be paid on 25% denomination. After depreciation payments, the coupon size in rubles will decrease.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 100,1% denomination. The current yield at this price is 11,84%, simple yield to maturity — 10,46%, effective yield to maturity - 12,33% per annum.

Corporate bond
Shoes of Russia 002R-03

Issuer - LLC "OR".

Repayment — 22 November 2025.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 16% per annum. Will be 48 coupon periods for 30 days each. The first coupon will be paid 12 January 2022 in the amount of 13,15 R.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 106,6% denomination. The current yield at this price is 15,01%, simple yield to maturity — 13,31%, effective yield to maturity - 14,69% per annum.

Corporate bond
Shoes of Russia 002R-04

Issuer - LLC "OR".

Repayment — 26 November 2025.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 16% per annum to mid-December 2022, then 14% to the beginning of December 2023, Then 12% until maturity. Will be 48 coupon periods for 30 days each. The first coupon will be paid 16 January 2022 in the amount of 13,15 R.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 107,05% denomination. The current yield at this price is 14,95%, simple yield to maturity — 10,83%, effective yield to maturity - 12,03% per annum.

Corporate bond
GK Pioneer BO 001R-06

Issuer — JSC "GC" Pioneer "".

Repayment — 4 December 2025.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 11,75% per annum. Will be 16 coupon periods for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 10 March 2022 in the amount of 29,29 R.

Depreciation. The bond will be redeemed gradually: starting from March 2025, each coupon will be paid on 25% denomination. After depreciation payments, the coupon size in rubles will decrease.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 100,03% denomination. The current yield at this price is 11,75%, simple yield to maturity — 10,54%, effective yield to maturity - 12,25% per annum.

Corporate bond
First collection bureau 001Р-03

Issuer — NAO "PKB".

Repayment — 5 December 2025.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 12,25% per annum. Will be 16 coupon periods for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 11 March 2022 in the amount of 30,54 R.

Depreciation. The bond will be redeemed gradually: starting from September 2023, each coupon will be paid on 10% denomination. After depreciation payments, the coupon size in rubles will decrease.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 101% denomination. The current yield at this price is 12,13%, simple yield to maturity — 8,35%, effective yield to maturity - 12,34% per annum.

Corporate bond
RESO-Leasing BO-06

Issuer — RESO-Leasing LLC.

Repayment — 11 December 2025.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate depends on RUONIA rate: coupon yield is calculated as the amount of income for each day of the coupon period based on the RUONIA plus rate 2,2% per annum. Will be 8 coupon periods of 182 days each. The first coupon will be paid 16 June 2022.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 100,26% denomination. Yield not calculated, since the size of the coupons is not yet known.

Corporate bond
Peterburgsnab 001R-01

Issuer — Peterburgsnab LLC.

Repayment — 26 November 2026.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 13,25% per annum. Will be 60 coupon periods for 30 days each. The first coupon will be paid 21 January 2022 in the amount of 10,89 R.

Depreciation. The bond will be redeemed gradually: starting from July 2022, each coupon will be paid from 1,4 to 2,4% denomination. After depreciation payments, the coupon size in rubles will decrease.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 100,4% denomination. The current yield at this price is 13,2%, simple yield to maturity — 7,81%, effective yield to maturity - 13,88% per annum.

Corporate bond
KLS-Trade BO-01

Issuer — KLS-trade LLC.

Repayment — 10 December 2026. The issuer has the right to early redeem the bonds in December 2022 or in March or June 2023.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 13,5% per annum. Will be 20 coupon periods for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 17 March 2022 in the amount of 33,66 R.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 100% denomination. The current yield at this price is 13,5%, simple yield to maturity — 13,42%, effective yield to maturity - 14,19% per annum.

Corporate bond
INK-Capital 001R-01

Issuer — JSC "INK-capital".

Repayment — 11 December 2026.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 10,25% per annum. Will be 10 coupon periods of 182 days each. The first coupon will be paid 17 June 2022 in the amount of 51,11 R.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 104,92% denomination. The current yield at this price is 9,77%, simple yield to maturity — 8,78%, effective yield to maturity - 9,19% per annum.

Corporate bond
AFC System 001R-23

Issuer — Sistema JSFC.

Repayment — 21 November 2031.

Nominal — 1000 R.

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Coupon rate — 9,95% per annum. Will be 40 coupon periods for 91 day every day. The first coupon will be paid 4 March 2022 in the amount of 24,81 R. In February 2026, the coupon rate and, respectively, coupon size may change, so be careful.

Offer. If you don't like the new coupon, it will be possible to ask the issuer to redeem bonds ahead of schedule, using the offer. She is assigned to 4 March 2026, applications for participation in it must be submitted from 20 on 27 February 2026. Participation in the offer may be paid, therefore, it is worth checking the tariffs of your broker in advance.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 99,98% denomination. The current yield at this price is 9,95%, simple yield to the offer — 9,88%, effective yield to offer - 10,33% per annum. Yield to maturity cannot be calculated, since the size of not all coupons is known.

Corporate bond
DOM.RF Mortgage agent BO 1P17

Issuer — OOO DOM.RF Mortgage agent.

Repayment — 28 November 2031.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 6,8% per annum. There will be 118 coupon periods payable once a month. The first coupon will be paid 28 February 2022 in the amount of 12,85 R.

30 December this bond could be bought for 95,11% denomination. The current yield at this price is 7,14%, simple yield to maturity — 7,65%, effective yield to maturity - 9,76% per annum.

Corporate bond
Gazprombank 001R-21R

Issuer — JSC "Gazprombank".

Repayment — 27 December 2031.

Nominal — 1000 R.

Coupon rate — 9,3% per annum. Will be 20 coupon periods for 6 months each. The first coupon will be paid 27 June 2022 in the amount of 46,37 R. In June 2025, the coupon rate and, respectively, coupon size may change, so be careful.

Offer. If you don't like the new coupon, it will be possible to ask the issuer to redeem bonds ahead of schedule, using the offer. She is assigned to 2 July 2025, applications for participation in it must be submitted from 23 on 27 June 2025. Participation in the offer may be paid, therefore, it is worth checking the tariffs of your broker in advance.

30 December this bond was traded on average for 101,15% denomination. The current yield at this price is 9,19%, simple yield to the offer — 8,86%, effective yield to offer - 9,1% per annum. Yield to maturity cannot be calculated, since the size of not all coupons is known.

Foreign companies

1 December, shares began to be traded on the Moscow Exchange 80 foreign companies. Here is their list:

  1. 2seventy bio.
  2. Advance Auto Parts.
  3. Airbnb.
  4. Align Technology.
  5. Ameriprise Financial.
  6. Arista Networks.
  7. AutoZone.
  8. Avery Dennison.
  9. Bed Bath & Beyond.
  10. Bionano Genomics.
  11. Bio-Rad Laboratories.
  12. Broadridge Financial Solutions.
  13. CDW.
  14. Celanese.
  15. Charles River Laboratories International.
  16. Chipotle Mexican Grill.
  17. Coupang.
  18. DaVita.
  19. Domino’s Pizza.
  20. DraftKings.
  21. Dropbox.
  22. Eastman Chemical.
  23. EQT.
  24. Equifax.
  25. Fleetcor Technologies.
  26. Fortune Brands Home & Security.
  27. Gartner.
  28. Gevo.
  29. Hasbro.
  30. Huntington Ingalls Industries.
  31. IDEX.
  32. IDEXX Laboratories.
  33. IPG Photonics.
  34. J. B. Hunt Transport Services.
  35. Jack Henry & Associates.
  36. Nice Dr Pepper.
  37. Kyndryl Holdings.
  38. Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings.
  39. Lordstown Motors.
  40. Luminar Technologies.
  41. Lift.
  42. MarketAxess Holdings.
  43. Martin Marietta Materials.
  44. Marvell Technology.
  45. Mettler-Toledo International.
  46. MicroVision.
  47. Mohawk Industries.
  48. Monolithic Power Systems.
  49. Moody’s.
  50. Motorola Solutions.
  51. Nasdaq.
  52. Old Dominion Freight Line.
  53. ON Semiconductor.
  54. O’Reilly Automotive.
  55. Packaging Corporation of America.
  56. PG&E.
  57. Pool.
  58. QuantumScape.
  59. Raymond James Financial.
  60. ResMed.
  61. Rockwell Automation.
  62. Skillz.
  63. Snap-on.
  64. Sunrun.
  65. SVB Financial Group.
  66. Teleflex.
  67. The Cooper Companies.
  68. The Trade Desk.
  69. TransDigm Group.
  70. Ulta Beauty.
  71. United Rentals.
  72. Universal Health Services.
  73. Vaxart.
  74. VeriSign.
  75. Vuzix.
  76. W. R. Berkley.
  77. Waters.
  78. Whirlpool.
  79. Xylem.
  80. Zebra Technologies.

Bidding goes for rubles and dollars, dividends are paid in dollars. So that the tax on dividends is 10 a plus 3%, but not 30%, you must sign the W-8BEN form. How to do it, will be advised by the support staff of your broker.

Group Positive (POSI)

Shares of Pozitiv Group started trading on the Moscow Exchange. This is a Russian company, working in the field of cybersecurity. Our reader has briefly analyzed the company's performance. Shares are listed on the stock exchange not through an IPO, and through direct listing.

Trades go for rubles. 30 December alone stock POSI cost about 850 R.

Exchange traded fund
FinEx — EM ex Chindia UCITS ETF (FXEM)

This FinEx ETF allows you to invest in stocks of companies in emerging markets, with the exception of China, India and Middle East. Fund tracks the Solactive GBS Emerging Markets ex Chindia and ME Large Cap Index 15% CC USD and consists of 300 companies from 15 countries. Dividends are reinvested.

The overall level of FXEM spending is 0,7% per year of the fund's net asset value. Expenses are gradually deducted from the fund's assets and are thus included in the exchange price of FXEM. This mechanism works in other funds as well..

Bidding goes for rubles and dollars. 30 December, one share of FXEM was worth about 77 R, or 1,03 $.

Exchange traded fund
Alpha is Gold (AKGD)

This exchange-traded mutual fund from Alfa Capital allows you to invest in gold. To do this, the fund buys gold on the precious metals market of the Moscow Exchange.

AKGD general spending level - up to 1,04% per year of the fund's net asset value.

Trades go for rubles. 30 December one share of AKGD cost about 100,3 R.

Exchange traded fund
Dohod — Small Cap Global Stocks (GSCD)

This exchange-traded mutual fund from Dokhod Management Company invests in shares of more than 130 small companies from more than 10 countries. No more than one issuer is allocated 3% fund, and for one country - no more 60%. The fund is based on the index of the same name, and income is reinvested.

GSCD total spending level - up to 0,99% per year of the fund's net asset value.

Trades go for rubles. 30 December, one share of GSCD cost about 1062 R.

Exchange traded fund
Dohod — Low Volatility Global Stocks (GLVD)

This exchange-traded mutual fund invests in low-volatility stocks of more than 120 companies from more than 10 countries. The fund is based on the index of the same name. The income is reinvested.

GLVD General Spending Level - Up to 1,06% per year of the fund's net asset value.

Bidding goes for rubles and dollars. 30 December one share of GLVD cost about 1032 R, or 13,79 $.

Exchange traded fund
Dohod — Global shares of growth and quality (GQGD)

This exchange-traded mutual fund invests in stocks of more than 120 companies from more than 15 countries. Selected companies, which increase revenue and profit faster, than the market average. The quality factor is also used. The fund is based on the index of the same name, and income is reinvested.

GQGD general spending level - up to 1,29% per year of the fund's net asset value.

Trades go for rubles. 30 December, one share of GQGD cost about 1043 R.

Exchange traded fund
Ingosstrakh - Inflationary (INFL)

This exchange-traded mutual fund from Ingosstrakh-Investments Management Company consists of federal loan bonds of the series 52 (IN). The yield of these bonds is tied to inflation through nominal indexation., so they look like American TIPS. The income is reinvested.

General level of expenses INFL - up to 0,4% per year of the fund's net asset value.

Trades go for rubles. 30 December, one share of INFL cost about 100,4 R.

Exchange traded fund
Sber - Blockchain Economy (SBBE)

This exchange-traded mutual fund from Sber Asset Management is based on the index of the same name and invests in the shares of manufacturers of equipment and software for mining and other companies., related to cryptocurrencies and blockchain. This includes Coinbase, MicroStrategy, Nvidia and others. Dividends are reinvested.

SBBE total expenditure level - up to 1,39% per year of the fund's net asset value.

Trades go for rubles. 30 December, one share of SBBE was worth about 10 R.

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