Not a jeweler

After a couple of days I still understood, that short feet are not mine. Раньше особо не напрягался насчет стопов, though 5 cents or 14 Cents, and when he began to try to go everywhere at the ideal price and with minimal risk they began to distribute them too often. Из-за этого хорошие сделки закрывались.
The most important thing – this is a good stop, even if the price has slipped and there is no need to try to reduce the risk every time where it is not possible. Back to normal trading with stops 5-15 Cents, but I increase the minimum potential in stocks to 60-70 Cents.

We need to improve the selection of shares, look more for stocks with good potential, close to levels and a clear trend. My main emphasis is on technical analysis, but now I will read the news more attentively and study the companies.

I will gain position with two additional purchases, this will help reduce the initial risk in the stock. I will write about this in more detail later..

I will try to post more often video with deals and voice them. I think this will be useful to many.

I improved my discipline a lot, no more deliberate flights and bad deals.

Now we need to improve stability and return the number of minus days in the month to 2-3.

  How to recover as a trader during a losing streak
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