Motivational handjob and blog bias

Вот так бывает: занимаешься любимым делом, and then the enthusiasm gradually disappears, there is even depression, because desire disappears and you want “отдохнуть”. Чтобы этого избежать я считаю нужным постоянно смотреть какие-то интересные video, chat on forums, to read quotes etc, show enthusiasm and deal with formalities at least a little. Well at least – news blog. I don’t know about all people, but I can and I like to discuss everything that I do, I love and wait for approval in my actions, well, in general, at least some additional activity, unlike downtrodden people, who in every possible way despise and consider blogging meaningless, etc..
By the way, fun fact:
Why is everything so vile and biased on almost all traders' blogs?? How does the public work. Посты – like a prepared interview. И почему все добавили себе последнее интервью А.М Герчика? Everyone knew right now, зашли на Рутуб и добавили себе? I think they copied each other's posts.
In the next post I will probably make a public assessment of the blogs of other traders. Naturally, only I will evaluate. Will blogging authors be offended? – Do not care. I will express my opinion, my only and not repeatable

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