international investment group

rolled into another office for an interview. clean new office, новые моники 20-22", widescreen. two on the table. interviewed 1 on madam, the second was watching. soft, politely, gallantly. in fact, there are two requirements for the candidate – is this comfortable schedule and the road to the office and the second: agree, that at the stage of training there will be no income. well it is like that everywhere. so I almost immediately nodded epilepsy))
what VERY liked – in progress education everyone finds his own method on nice (they work in the amer markets exclusively). ie. there is no obligation to be a scalper or someone else: what does the soul lie for, so hack. after training you start with a deposit $3000 and the limit of daily losses in $30. education 1.5 months.
99% I go to them to develop further, should call back at the end of the week and say when the startup training.
who cares – here is the vacancy.
really if someone is going to go there by metro – I have no idea how it will be)
ps: on the way back they called from swift, waiting for the second stage – I asked them to postpone it. there is a demand)
upd: ah yes.. pobablu – 20-40%

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