Man Group Investment Fund | Growth of the giant's profit?

Funds under the control of a giant Man Group investment funds, whose shares are traded on the stock exchange, soared to the highest level thanks to a combination of large revenues across all strategies and the restoration of the inflow of financiers, which contributed to the growth of the company's revenue in the first half 2021 of the year.

Man Group is in "good shape", as the profit of the giant of investment funds in the 1st half of the year led to rapid growth

At the end of June, Man's FUM had reached the highest amount in $135,3 billion, having increased dramatically in comparison with $123,6 billions at the beginning of this year.

In his own report on the results of the work, Man said about the income before tax in the amount of $280 million for the 1st half of the year 2021 of the year, What's on $100 million higher, than in 2020 year, when the profit for the whole year was $179 million.

Man Company, which manages a wide range of discretionary and quantitative funds with long/small and longish positions across a range of asset classes, often explored as an indicator for a broader scope of alternative asset management in England.

The performance of the first six months is really impressive.. Over the same period last year, the fund suffered an eight percent drop in FUM as a result of initial market turmoil., which were caused by a severe epidemic in March 2020 of the year.

Welcoming "good growth", MAN Group CEO Lucok Ellis stressed, that profit from interest on management increased by fifty-one percent, and total earnings per share increased by 246%.

"The momentum gained will continue into the 2nd half of the year due to the highest performance reward options., the highest level of customer involveance and active sales development", – Ellis' address says. "We are still focused on investing in our talent and technology., are the backbone of the company and consolidate our sustainable competitive advantage".

Growth in the current year was provided by a positive investment result in the amount of about $9,5 billion in the first half of the year, which is in stark contrast to the negative investment result in the amount $5,4 billions for the corresponding time period 2020 of the year. As well as, unblemished positive inflow was $1,2 billion, as opposed to equivalent unblemished outflow in 1 Half 2020 of the year. Positive exchange rate differences and other changes also added more $1 billion for the half year.

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All in all, the size of other funds managed by Man, which includes solutions in the field of unconditional efficiency, full efficiency and multi-management, increased by $7 billion in the first half of the year, with $77,2 billions first of the year to $84,2 billions as of 30 June. This was due to the increase in efficiency on $3,8 billion, net inflow $900 million and changes in cash and other rates on $1,8 billion. Simultaneously, FUM groups on long-term investments also increased from $48,6 billions up to $51,1 billion, since the profit from investments in the amount of $2,9 billions outweighed $300 million of unblemished outflow and $100 million negative dynamics of cash exchange rates.

As part of man's line of other tools, its tactics of unconditional effectiveness, which are managed under the AHL and GLG brands, at the present time are $38,3 billions in relation to $34 billions at the beginning 2020 of the year. Tactics of complex efficiency – embracing other risk premiums, personal markets, CLOs and Emerging Market Integrated Performance Funds – over the same six-month period increased from $29 billions up to $32,5 billion.

In fact, all the company's tactics ended the year in the green zone.. In almost everything, due to the increased demand for a quantitative approach. Looking to the future, Ellis noted the possibilities of the upcoming growth as discretionary, and periodic strategies in Asia, especially in the PRC, while climate constraints remain one of the main areas of attention of the group in the future.

"Dynamics, with which we finished the initial half-year 2021 of the year, bolsters our confidence for the rest of the year.", – he added. "The company is still in good shape., and our focus and investment in talent and technology continue to strengthen our sustainable competitive advantage.".

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Based on Hedge Week

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