Lzheguru Dmitry Stetsko never loses

Once there is a truguru, there must be a false guru. I got the role of a false guru through the efforts of my «friends» by Smart (my neighbour by rating). Without white, there is no black, there is no true without false. And if a powerful stereotype has developed in the investment business, in which so much effort was invested by the moneybags, there must be someone, who will try to look at the dark side of the moon.

90% readers are not. Если судить по комментариям, 30% only reads the title, yet 30% — heading and first paragraph, and further 30% -heading, first and last paragraph, also snatching selected words from the body of the article.

This makes working with people much easier.. This is why tabloid journalists achieve true mastery of headline writing.. People are turned into a herd of rams, которое можно стричь, hammer or drive to slaughter, such as chasing 18 summer boys on a national scale to fight the created image of the enemy, shoot and maim strangers only because, that they are muslims, or reject the policy of the Center, or have a different skin color.

But thoughtful people will read everything and draw their own conclusions., even if they don't match mine, main, so that conclusions are based on their own foundation and reflections. And they were not rooted in a massive attack by those forces, которым это выгодно.

Мне все равно, how will those fools take all of the following, who will troll the most reasonable, what can you come to over the years of trading in the market. I got my own experience, because I climbed into all the holes, which you could get into, communicated with colleagues and bloggers, who write one thing to the public, but they think something completely different, was reading Books fund managers and great traders. By the way,, books are written not only by great traders and outspoken thinking people. Sometimes they are written simply by businessmen., who sell chewed up information, good fertilizing already prepared soil. Is it worth it to say, that there are so few good books, that they are drowning in a stream of trash, sniffed by a naive audience.

It's time to open your eyes to the obvious things, who is ready to wake up.

Alea jacta est.

As you remember, i wrote a post, in which he gave advice to those wishing to overclock the deposit in 5-10 once. This article was the beginning of opposition from «правильных» Traders, whom I challenged to a duel. Unfortunately, my opponents cannot provide trade states or investment passwords to their accounts for various reasons, so i essentially became that, who openly posted the password to the account, putting on the balance 1/10 your monthly income. 300 Dollars. Цель была — deposit acceleration. This is where I made my first mistake.

In my article, I recommended that traders do not keep all funds on the broker's deposit., so as not to put them at risk, but invest only a part, with the aim of multiplying. For example, split the deposit into 100 000 on 10 parts and try to increase each in 5-10 and more times. For myself, for some reason, I limited the number of such attempts to one.

Trying to rip off the channel on gold, I lost them, what did not take advantage of my «friends», rushed to Smart to spread the state. On the one side, this is an indicator of their level of development, with another, gave me the opportunity to analyze my own reaction to this nonsense.

I noted with satisfaction, that no part of me got hurt, and, Furthermore, strengthened. I am grateful to those, who didn’t get involved in throwing mud at my person, did not condemn or sneer. And noted with equal interest, how many people have used this situation to, to manifest the lowest frequency energies. Fussy people are so fussy =)

Actually, the correct approach in my case was — share these 300 dollars apart, for example on 100. Thus, in November I would have 3 attempts to trade your own view of the market.

On video я показал деньги, about 5000 ye, which were in my hands and which my opponents offered to put into the account. I took from there 3 pieces of paper, spent the rest on the needs of the family. И я знаю, what in case of a price shock, bankruptcy broker, I won't lose any personal psychological breakdowns anymore, than put on the account. Several attempts will be made in December,, again guided by the same principles of healthy living MM.

Generally amazing, what joy the drain caused 300 bucks. I, one might say, became the discovery of the month for some! Trader, having an account with 20 000 ye, opens a position at risk in 1,5%, suffers a loss, but no one rushes to publish his deal on Smart. Why? In both cases, the loss 300 Dollars.

Разница в том, that I traded on mine 300 dollars in order to accelerate to 8000-9000 ye. I was asked about my trading approach — if you please.

The logic is: прохождение 10 dollars in my direction in gold gives a doubling of the deposit when loading the deposit on 70% (level about 140% at the shoulder 1x100), after which the position is doubled. Gold can sometimes pass and 40 And 80 dollars per tonne. without any significant corrections, so when passing 40 dollars we have 16 multiple increase in the initial deposit, when passing 60 Dollars — 64 multiple, when passing 80 Dollars — 256 multiple increase in depot. However, the correction of dollars by 5-7 dollars will contribute to the rapid melting of the deposit, you will either have to cover part of the positions and wait out the correction, or re-enter, building a pyramid. Possible drain, if you do not cover the losses. Sometimes it hurts, however, you should always remember, how small the initial risk amount is compared to the potential profit.

One investor of mine closed my longs for gold, tired of waiting for profit, for I was trading very aggressively, not at all regretting his mental well-being. If he had enough patience for another two weeks, even without building up his positions, he would have about 400 000 ye have arrived, and with toppings — более миллиона. Although he had real funds for the beginning of cooperation about 300 000 ye. The rest were locked up in losses. But he was a good man, I still remember him with a kind word. Thanks, Sasha!

  Paul A. Samuelson (May 15, 1915 – December 13, 2009)

So I trade. Several attempts end in drain, зато те, which succeed — give mega profit. And the funds do not lie dead weight with brokers.

Let's watch schedule.

At some point I painted a channel on gold, which interested me more, than a shooting star on the dollar yen, so i entered the market in the area 1750 dollars for that, counting on achievement 1800, that is, the upper border of the channel. Support was visible on H4. Need to say, that over the years of observing gold, such a horizontal movement is a signal to buy, even if the price is in the middle of the channel.. When this support was broken, the price moved to the lower border of the channel. I allowed something like this, but deliberately did nothing. I traded my forecast with that part of the funds, which he gave to the market in advance. The stop was placed slightly below the channel border.

When the price has reached the bottom of the channel, I watched the stabilization of the downward movement, and then suddenly the price per minute fell by 25 dollars for that.

No one can predict such price movements. Someone eliminated an impressive long line of gold, causing a similar collapse in prices. Is it worth it to say, what closed me at the foot, slipping for almost another 3 dollar. It is amazing, because they could have slipped through everything 20 ))) If you were trading at that moment on a deposit in 20000 ye, had an open position in gold with a stop at 3 dollar (risk per trade, for example, 5%), then slippage could potentially reduce your deposit by a third. I do not think, that on CME you would be executed at the price of your stop. Поправьте, if i'm wrong. I've had situations, when my positions on gaps were closed over the weekend with a minus deposit. For example, check 800 Dollars, showed at the opening -250. These risks are borne by my forex broker, this is his burden. I will not compensate him for anything. By the way,, in theory, if the CME broker loses money due to a price shock — you as a trader — are they obliged to compensate him for these losses? Just wondering.

Не знаете, where to open a trading account to work in the foreign exchange market? I trade in this company: work with 98 of the year, the most convenient MT4 platform, pioneers of PAMM accounts, possibility automatic trading without your participation, all methods of depositing / withdrawing funds, regulated by KROUFR

Everything else on the remaining depot funds — attempt to take reverse motion, which quite often follows a similar scenario.

I lost my venture capital, since my prediction did not come true. AND, as you can see, I feel great.

Learn from me, while I am alive. Let me remind you the basic principles of Zen or «лже» trading (whoever you like):

1. Don't put all your savings into the market. Risk only a small fraction of your monthly income. Do not keep the entire amount on the deposit with the broker. The same can be attributed in relation to bank savings. Store them in different currencies in different banks and for different recipients.

2. Set ambitious goals. 1030-fold or higher increase in the deposit. I described an approximate approach above.

3. Most traders are afraid to confess publicly in the depot drain. It's a trader's nightmare! Don't be afraid of plums. You haven't invested all your money. Compare, which of these traders is doing smarter? Two brothers, working the same job, made savings in 20 000 ye. One of them invests these 20 000 to the broker's account and trades with the aim 5-10% from the depot per month, quitting work and becoming «professionalAnal» trader. Another, still working, creates some kind of business, and invests in his trade 500 dollars a month, in order to accelerate the depot. The first one twitches himself with countless dangers and will most likely end his life in failure., if it doesn't change behavior. Второй же — very reasonable and consistent in his life.

4. Take control of other people's money with great care. IN 9 cases from 10 you should abandon the idea of ​​managing other people's money. Trade on your. It's calmer this way.

But, no matter how verbose I am:

Not a word, and misfortune is the teacher of fools.

Believe, friends, I really don't want, to get you into trouble, ended up without money, without a dream, among the destroyed castles in the air and with a sense of the meaninglessness of your life, their experience, lost years of life. This is why I write these words, these examples, getting into skirmishes, I wear a mask of a clown and a false guru. Perchance, your life will change for the better, if you start looking at the world from the other side?

- Sorry, but I didn't understand: gift for unbirthday? What it is?
— Подарок, which is not given to you for your birthday, certainly.
Alice thought.
- I like birthday gifts better, She said finally.
- But in vain! - shouted Shaltai-Boltai. - How many days in a year?
- Three hundred sixty five.
- How many birthdays do you have??
- One.
- Three hundred sixty five minus one - how much will it be?
- three hundred sixty four, certainly.
— ….. Means, so: three hundred sixty four days a year you can receive gifts for the unborn day.
Lewis Carroll, «Alice in Wonderland»

Make no mistake — do not aim to make money only through trading on the stock exchange. Learn to make money somewhere else, обучайтесь, broaden your horizons, monetize your natural abilities. You will avoid many problems. I'm not talking about this theoretically, Believe it.

But let's continue. Who feeds on the market? Маркетмейкеры, brokers and DC, all kinds of training centers, управляющие компании, fund owners, directors of TV channels for investors, RBK type… They all do their best, to give the game on the stock exchange the maximum rating of prestige and business value. They are afraid of the word «game» to horror. For they seek to attract money, capital of those people, which at the mention of the words casino, неопределенность, chaos, uncontrollable risks will simply turn from the gate.

  my_trade @ 2011-02-05T18:23:00

What to do, how to influence the situation, how to get hold of countless financial assets, which for some reason are not in the pockets of our sharks? I want to eat, I want to drive dear cars, yachts, villas all the cases. But we don't know how to make money. And we know how to manipulate and lure.

Эврика! Let's give them something, что они хотят! Let's create a science about investing, about figures of technical analysis, mathematical formulas, coefficients and calculations, which no one understands anyway. Let's summarize the scientific base, so to speak, and start cutting money off those mugs, who believe in this idea!

And we believe…

Darkness of low truths is dearer to me
Deception elevating us.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, "Hero"

Everything is going well, everything is serious, men in ties and suits broadcast from the TV screen about the economy, stat reporting, слияниях и поглощениях, analyze price movements, preach certain investment ideas, many of which come true due to the, that the probability is quite high — 50% =) In general, — idyll. Loss of funds, просадку, can be explained in the same vague terms, which an ordinary investor can hardly understand, and leaving professional analysts can even thank them, because «it could have ended much worse».

But the best clue story in my collection comes from one of the most popular members of the New York Stock Exchange, D. T. Skinny. Somehow another stockbroker, Bert Walker, told him, that he rendered an important service to one of the prominent directors of the Atlantic and South Railroad. As a token of gratitude, he gave him advice to buy so many shares of this road., how much can he. The management was going to do something like this, which should have raised the share price by at least twenty-five points. Not all directors were in the know, but the consent of the majority was guaranteed.

Bert Walker made a conclusion, that they are going to dramatically increase the dividend level. He told Hood all this in a friendly way., and each of them bought several thousand shares of this road. And before and after, how did they buy these shares, the demand for them was very weak, but Hood stated, that this is clearly done in order, to a clique of insiders, led by grateful friend Bert, could buy shares on the cheap.

The following Thursday, after the close of the market, a meeting of the Board of Directors of Atlantic and South was held, where the issue of dividends was resolved. On Friday, six minutes after the opening of the exchange, the rate fell by six points.

Bert Walker felt like a resentful child. He came to his grateful director, who was very sorry for all this and felt guilty. He said, that I completely forgot, what gave Bert advice to buy. And that's the only reason he didn't call him, to report changes to the plans of the majority of the council. The repentant director was so anxious to make amends, that he gave Bert another piece of advice. He kindly explained, that several of his colleagues were eager to buy stocks cheaply and therefore, contrary to his intentions and desires, resorted to such a rude trick. He had to give in, to save their voices for the future. But now, when they have already stocked up in plenty, there are no more reasons, hindering the growth of the exchange rate. This was already a double guarantee., надежная, like a rock, - need to buy shares of this damn road.

Bert not only forgave him, but at parting with sincere gratitude he shook the hand of this outstanding financier. Потом он, натурально, hurried to find his friend in misfortune. Huda, to please him with bright prospects. They were eager to hit a decent jackpot. They used to be assured, that stocks will go uphill, and they bought. After that the rate fell by fifteen points.. Everything was different now, and for sure. And they jointly bought another five thousand shares.

This deal of theirs worked as a signal to send, and the stock fell again as a result, perfectly understandable, dumping them by insiders. These suspicions were definitely confirmed by two experts.. Hood sold their joint purchase of five thousand shares. After this, Bert Walker emphatically told him:

- If this, so his and so, didn't go to Florida the day before yesterday, I would take the soul out of him. So I will. But you come with me.
- Where? - asked Hood.
"By telegraph.". I want to send this bastard a telegram like this, that he will hiccup to the grave. Let's go to.

They went to the telegraph. Here Bert compiled an amazingly obscene message - after all, they were heated by five thousand shares. He read the telegram to Hood and concluded:

- Now he will know for sure, what i think about him!

He was about to shove it through the telegraph operator's window, when Hood touched his shoulder:
"Wait a minute.", Bert!
- What's the matter?
- I would not send her, - Hood thoughtfully advised.
- Why is this? - Bert was amazed..
- He'll be pissed off like a dog.
- But that's what we want! - Bert objected in surprise..

But Hood shook his head disapprovingly and said in all seriousness:

- If you send him this telegram, he will never give us any leads again.

And this was actually said by a professional stockist. How to condemn green lovers for the same after that? People don't use prompts because, that those are so damn valuable, but because without this cocktail of dreams and hope, their life is not a joy.

«Memories of a stock speculator», Edwin Lefevr

But then those, who treats trading this way, how he deserves - how to play, where passion reigns. These players talk about luck, unpredictability of markets, the desire to grab the bird of happiness by the tail.

It is unprofitable for our businessmen. Imagine a social event: classical music, velvet curtains. persian rugs, ladies in evening dresses with insanely expensive jewelry, gentlemen, rolling millions and billions of dollars. Champagne flows like a river, talk about the upcoming merger of Beverly Stokes and Investigate Grand Capital causes heated debate near the third table when suddenly… Street revelers burst into the hall, wrecks, who do not know secular manners and do not pay tribute to traditions. One of them joins in the conversation about the upcoming merger. What the heck? I do not know about the statistics and calculations of the analytical bureau! I put my money on it, that stocks will skyrocket, for the third day I dreamed about my grandfather, who handed me a gold coin!

  my_trade @ 2013-06-11T01:36:00

These scoundrels spoil the whole atmosphere! We urgently need to distance ourselves from them! The secret button Alyarm is pressed and the quick guards take out all this shit. The manager anxiously examines the faces of his flock and notices with satisfaction smiles and ironic condescension towards gamblers and foolish amateurs, not understanding, that only numbers and fundamentals, including technical figures give an advantage in investment and price prediction.

Joining the JPMorgan Board of Directors was a great opportunity to get an insider's view of international finance.. Me, for example, surprised that, that the bank has consistently demonstrated profit on foreign exchange transactions. I knew perfectly well, how unpredictable foreign exchange markets are, as a result of which to predict courses major currencies — does not matter, what to predict the result of a coin toss. In the end, I broke down and turned directly to the management.: «Listen to me, gentlemen, but all the studies claim, that it is impossible to constantly profit from foreign exchange transactions!»

«Quite right, — сказали мне. Profit is not brought to us by forecasts. We — market makers and play on the spread between the buyer's and the seller's prices, regardless of the movement of the rates». Similar to today's eBay online auction, JPMorgan bank received a small amount from each transaction, in which he participated as an intermediary, and there were a huge number of such transactions.

Alan Greenspan, «The era of turmoil»

You, certainly, understood, that we now have a clear class division: there are professions, who keep chewing that gum, which they slipped, and players, who treat the market as a game and the opportunity to spin their funds.

I call trading a game, for this is that, чем он и является. All these technical analyzes, фундаменталы — there is a skillful attempt to give an unpredictable environment a scientific look. Here are the patterns, here is the theory of neural networks, here are the waves, which Elliot himself did not understand, because he piled there so much, that Pythagoras would most likely have whipped him with rods and kicked him out of the class. Like Ganna, with his vague theory. I am seriously considering, to create something of your own, just shove the unpushable and voila — you can cut coupons with the right marketing.

However, the uncertainty has not gone anywhere.. She continues to accompany the trader and investor wherever they go.. How to explain this, how to justify the costs of the profession?

another sacred cow of the trader is put into action here — Puppet. Puppet — this is some kind of behind-the-scenes character, invisibly present on the battlefield, playing his game, because, according to the Universal injustice, it has some kind of right and even means. he brings confusion and chaos to the market, prevents professionals from making money. Although he is a scoundrel, but i noticed, that many traders treat him with love and even tenderness. After all, he saves their reputation and honor. Takes over those manifestations of chaos, which traders cannot explain.

Let's talk more about emotions.: fear, hope, greed. Any self-respecting professionalAnal will say, that a trader needs to be able to control his emotions, manage them. because without this you cannot become a cool trader. Discipline must be iron!

Complete bullshit. Don't believe. For all these emotions are embedded at the genetic level and were nurtured by Nature for a reason.. They help us survive. And then someone appears, who agrees «rupee twenty» will help you overcome complexes and learn to manage yourself. NLP to help us. I don't think it's possible. You can hide that, what's on the surface, but deep processes cannot be changed. Holding back your nature, forcing our I, we are driven into a certain template, who morally disfigures a person and makes him a depressive insignificance. Sooner or later, such suppression of emotions will cause an eruption of inner pain., страданий, dissatisfaction.

I beg you, don't hold back emotions, show them to your health! They may not always be positive., nothing. Просто позвольте себе быть собой. And if they interfere with trade — trade like a false guru Dmitry Stetsko! Have fun trading, emotions, excitement and risk. Get out of the herd of rams and leave your shepherds!

By the way,, the stupidest article about the stages of a trader's development is circulating on the net, you probably read it. I can hardly remember the details, but there is a description of that, how a green burdock trader turns into a cold, unshakable monster without fear or reproach, chopping cabbage in incredible quantities.

What can you say? God gave man a heart, and he tries to make a stone out of it.

And the paradox of this whole investment kitchen is, that Jesse Livermore is still a model trader, who made and lost millions several times, just bargaining with the trend, building up deals and keeping them for months. Sometimes he started trading with borrowed money 500 Dollars, bringing their size to hundreds of thousands (now he would be trolled by professionals from Smart with their deposits of a couple of tens of thousands of dollars). When the market was sluggish, there were no trends, Jesse Livermore was out of work, but when the trend woke up — he did everyone, simply because, what did that, what did he do well.

Well,, he who has ears, let him hear. I keep on trading my way, investing a small part of their funds in their vision of the market.

In our times, when the truth is hidden by so many veils, and deception is firmly rooted, only one can recognize the truth, who loves her dearly.
Blaise Pascal

Good luck and profits!

shl. Srach and a bunch of comments on Smart will here

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