easy-speed merchant" – trading platform

Well, I tired you with fables about strange cigarettes, which barely fit in the mouth?

okay… move on to the topic:
— Pozones, this is lightspeed…
Лайтспид, these are Potsons!

looking asleep, by opening the default config of this third platform in my modestly grandiose trader career, I screamed with an inner voice `` to bleat and where to press your??!".. but after a healthy sleep, healthy sporting events, I famously moved the windows, who are very sexually stuck to each other (about hospad, finally snapping is implemented here).. mentally, even then I was drawing the plus points of this still mysterious `` easy-speed" or this mysterious `` light-speed '', call as you want…


now on business, fluently, what caught my eye from the nishtyaks, when compared with sterling, laser and…. and that's enough:
1. you can change the codes, printed in the ribbon! stick yourself with any squiggle, for example EDGA goes like an English `` E '' for me" and EDGX will be shown in the tape as `` E" and at least someone swore.
2. flexible setting of triggering stops, which are located locally. done something like this:
& quot; if price = trigger, then run hotkeyN & quot;, and already any hotkeyN is composed by a trader at his will. for example, you can place stop orders along the trajectory of price movement, trigger each of which will add +50% to pose, or close -25%.
3. you yourself can generate buttons for the chart with different periods.. 3-4-7minutes? sure, not a problem.. and in the laser I missed the wickly.
4. except for standard high-loy and top-volume top-gaze-losses, there is a catlet scanner in the tape all over the market! somewhere in a thin gauge, 10k sherz flew by in one print? you dick hide from us, filthy big – ticker, where you noted it immediately shines before your nose…

  Friend tape

misfires while I saw two:
1. the charts died right after trying to click on the stacks in the watchlist, helped restart. not fatal, but vomit…
2. a separate window of the tape is not very scrolling in terms of history.

ps: the teipok is as lively and nimble as in a laser! all other platforms with this factor continue to do throat minuet…

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