Is it legal to earn money on cryptocurrencies?

Is it legal to earn money on cryptocurrencies?

The legal status of earnings on cryptocurrencies is one of the most important and, simultaneously, the most difficult questions. Yes, "in general" earnings on cryptocurrency are legal, but there are a few important points, which should always be kept in mind.

Firstly, each country has its own rules for regulating cryptocurrencies, so you should always check your local laws.

Secondly, even in one country, the attitude of the law towards digital assets can seriously change in a short period of time - regulation of the cryptocurrency sphere is only at the beginning of its journey.

We will consider the legislation of Russia, valid for cryptocurrencies today. Actually, regulation is reduced to the law "On digital financial assets", effective from the beginning of this year.

According to this law, Russians have every right to buy, keep, issue and perform any other operations with cryptocurrency. At the same time, digital assets should also be indicated in the tax return, like any other property. The only direct prohibition is that you cannot directly pay for goods and services with cryptocurrency.

Simply put, use of cryptocurrency investment platforms, such as Global, from the point of view of Russian legislation, it is completely legal - making money on cryptocurrency is not prohibited in any way.

Of course, Russian legislation regarding cryptocurrencies can change at any time - different departments are already proposing a wide variety of projects. As soon as the legal framework is updated, we will inform you immediately about any important changes.

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