Who benefits.

Clownery called the Libyan revolution continues. Looks like, assumption, stated by some LJ users is true. I understand, that the arabs – those are still warriors, but after spending an hour, to search for videos with filming “bloody battles” with “thousands of killed and wounded”, didn’t find anything. Yes, shoot, someone was wounded, possibly killed, but the feeling, that the colonel simply has no time to disperse all these oppositional shobles. Why do I feel this way about revolutionaries? In my opinion, this is the worst, what can happen in society. Yes, without revolutions there is stagnation, they are like a pike in a pond, so that the crucian does not doze, but in this case, we, apparently, watching a performance staged from the outside. Well and designed for the appropriate viewer. As someone rightly pointed out, the viewer is looking at the picture, and thinks out the rest at the expense of the audio. For example, show passing “ambulance”, and right there the correspondent talks on the phone, about hospitals, filled with hundreds of wounded. Main, form an opinion. For interest, you can type in youtube “battles in Libya”, and for example, “fighting in Iraq, Fallujah” or “war in South Ossetia” and compare. In the first case, – scorching in white light as a pretty penny, clean, joyful “rebels”, sometimes depicting concern, buildings with intact glass, mirror-smooth roads. In the second (Iraq and Ossetia) – dirt, dust, ruin, burning appliances, corpses, screaming soldiers… Jerky, shaky shooting (not staged, from a tripod). However, the consumer has not analyzed information for a long time, and as gentlemen, takes the media's word for it.

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