Camee one and the light, with a great number of new information, it is not eth to study the ocnovy of the investment — this is from the books. With the book you are not involved in the oppelelennym vpemeni, ee in the world to live or read in the room for the first time. Ho one and the same and plush, and a minute. Ho ec if you are able to meet the standards of the system. (or lay down?) For the most part of the world, t so you are one of the most valuable people in this special place. The main thing is to publish books for the main information. What's the place., 2015- 2015 - 2015 - 2015. Talka lizha read no lyutchitsya — eto nee detektyvy and nee tpylepy. Thu-t-th of the 2015 World Cup.

Five books. In the nde of Kyokaki books, Shefepa or Kovi — these autopy xoposhi kak motivatopy, On the other side of the interest in the central booms of the world. A ecli вт вт в0ут куxnya, we need more books and other autops. Imento oni dedut vam food for reflection and analysis.

"Battle for the soul of capitalism" (2005), John Bogle (“The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism” by John C. Bogle)

John Bogle is a major American investor, ex-director of one of the largest investment companies in the world. In this book, he draws attention to many aspects, affecting the financial system of the United States. However, in this book about investments can find a lot of interesting even those, who has nothing to do with America. And all because, that Bogle reveals the secrets of CFOs, talks about investment funds, what is known only to the initiated, savours the details of some high-profile scandals. He's also trying to investigate this phenomenon., like capitalism, in order to understand, what went wrong in it – and where this road leads now.

  Phosagro, MMK and others: which companies refused to report for the first quarter

"Conspiracy of fools: true story" (2005), Kurt Ychenwald (“Conspiracy of Fools: A True Story” by Kurt Eichenwald)

The book is written by veteran New York Times reporter Kurt Ichchenwald., who is known for his serious investigative journalism in the field of finance. On this book are going to remove the eponymous movie starring DiCaprio. In the center of events - the collapse of enron Corporation, which is considered one of the largest failures in the entire corporate history. How the company influenced the national market, what wrong management decisions led to a sad denouement, – these and other details from the book about investments "Conspiracy of Fools" can not only acquaint with the world of large investments, but also just entertain.

"Friconomics" (2005), Stephen Levitt and Stephen Dabner (“Freakonomics” by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner)

A serious book about investment and economics, which is written in a truly fascinating style. The best slogan for "Freaconomics" is "Discover the secret of everything in a row". The authors explore the most unexpected aspects of financial life: from the hierarchy in the world of drug trafficking – to the impact of the choice of a child's name on his future well-being. Sounds, maybe, somewhat frivolous, but in fact the information is comprehensively useful.

"Fooled by Chance" (2004), Nassim Nicholas Taleb (“Fooled by Randomness” Nassim Nicholas Taleb)

This book about investing is one big tip from an experienced trader and professor of mathematics, passionate about economics. Agree, good adviser. Book, in general,, not so much about traders and markets, how much about a whole new way of thinking financially?. In "Fooled by Chance" will find useful for themselves those, Who knows: even on the crisis you can earn! According to critics, this book about investment opens up prospects. At the same time, you will learn about the role of luck in building a business.

  Zero or Ten Years of Wall Street Madness through the Eyes of an Eyewitness by Timothy Sykes ( Book )

"A Little Book about Accurate Investments" (2004), John Moldin (“Bull’s Eye Investing” by John Mauldin)

A recognized financial expert says, that in the near future there will come a time for a new generation of strategies. A deep understanding of the vector of markets is essential for prosperity.. The book is small, but the investment opportunities for those who read it will expand significantly..

"A mathematician plays on the stock exchange" (2003), John Allen Paolo (“A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market” by John Allen Paulos)

Most people are sure of that., that the numbers set the tone in stock market analysis. That's true., and not quite so, – explains the well-known mathematician in the scientific world, expressing their thoughts in a fascinating way. This book about investments will help you understand, what mathematical theories justify themselves, when it comes to finance, and which ones are not.

"Valuation investment today" (2003), Charles Brands (“Value Investing Today” by Charles H. Brandes)

This book about investments is written by a real giant of the investment sphere, which can be put on a par with Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett. Therefore, his view of the markets and his thoughts on building success can be considered if not invaluable., then at least very useful. Brands talks about strategies, which lie beyond the boundaries of the usual market truths. The book was first published in 1989 year, since then it has undergone several reprints and has been supplemented with up-to-date information.

"Millionaire's Mindset" (2000), Thomas Stanley (“The Millionaire Mind” by Thomas J. Stanley)

In his earlier book on investment, Your Neighbor Is a Millionaire, Thomas Stanley told the story of a "typical" millionaire., if only there are. In the same case, he tries to penetrate the brain of a millionaire and share with the world the way of his successful thinking.. Critics say, что тем, who intends to achieve real financial success, this book is about investments that is not necessary, what to read, – study!

  The book One Good Trade. One good trade. Hidden information about the highly competitive world of private trading in Russian

"Your neighbor is a millionaire" (1996), Thomas Stanley, Уильям Данко (“The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko)

And here it is., book about investments, mentioned in the paragraph above. If you are serious about achieving the goal, it wouldn't hurt to find out, that a real millionaire is not necessarily the one, who drives Lamborghini, rests on a yacht and sorits with money, and that one, who... However, about it in the book, which will reveal many secrets of the life of a wealthy person.

"John Neff on Investing" (1999), Джон Нефф (“John Neff on Investing” by John Neff)

Legendary top manager, who built his career on the ability to calculate successful transactions in two accounts. He knows like no one else., where to look, to catch the moment, when you can buy cheaper and sell more expensive. Although this book is about investments - not for those, who is focused on instant success, Neff has a lot of loyal fans..

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