How was the first day of trading shares on the Moscow Exchange

How was the first day of trading shares on the Moscow Exchange

24 In March, the moscow exchange held the first trading in shares of Russian companies since the end of February. Most shares rose in price relative to the price, Which was 25 February, and the Mosbirzhi index has grown.

In total, the auction was allowed 33 shares from the Moscow Exchange Index: Gazprom, Rosneft, Sberbank, Surgutneftegaz and others. That is, all securities from the index were traded., except 10 shares and depositary receipts, considered foreign securities, like Yandex and HeadHunter.

With 09:50 to 10:00 there was an auction opening. Then there were the usual auctions with 10:00 to 13:40, then to 13:50 there was a closing auction. Trading turnover amounted to 108.6 billion rubles, Moscow Exchange reported. Transactions with shares were concluded by 121 professional participants and 567 thousand private investors. The share of individuals in the total trading volume was 58,2%.

Moscow Exchange Index rose by 4.37% compared to 25 February, closing at 2578.51 points. At the maximum, he reached 2761,17, it was about 10:15, after which the index began to decline.

RTS Index, or the dollar version of the Moscow exchange index, decreased by 9% compared to 25 February, up to 852.64 points.

How was the first day of trading shares on the Moscow Exchange

What results did the stock show?

The shares of "PhosAgro" grew the most - on 26,62%, to 6350 R for pike. Also, ordinary shares of Tatneft have risen in price - on 20,11%, to 424 R per share. The price of individual securities recovered to the levels before 24 February or even exceeded them - for example,, the already mentioned PhosAgro and FGC UES.

Some securities ended the session with a fall - such 8 from 33. Aeroflot shares fell the most - by 16.44% compared to 25 February, price dropped to 30,7 R per share. Inter RAO's shares have also noticeably fallen in price — on 6,94%, to 2,4 R for pike.

The price of many stocks fluctuated greatly throughout the day.. Trading in some stocks was even suspended due to too strong growth..

So, preferred shares of Sberbank began to be traded on 130,06 P and quickly grew to 157,95 R. At the same time, they were worth more than ordinary shares of Sberbank, what is considered an abnormal situation. By the end of the day, their price dropped to 135,4 R. Trading volume was lower, than at the end of February.

Trading result 24 March for shares with the greatest weight in the Mosbirzhi index

Price by the end of the auction Change regarding 25 February
Gazprom 258,51 R +13,38%
Lukoil 5525 R +12,41%
Sberbank, obykn. 136,24 R +3,9%
"Norilsk Nickel" 20 990 R +10,17%
Novatek 1343,6 R +18,48%
Rosneft 360,2 R +16,97%
"Pole" 12 300 R +15,68%
"Tatneft", obykn. 424 R +20,11%
"Magnet" 3457,5 R +7,98%
Surgutneftegaz, obykn. 23,8 R +6,16%
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The reason for the growth of most shares of Mosbirzhi may be the increase in the price of raw materials recently, including oil, gas and gold. Because of this, the profits of commodity companies may grow., what, among other things, will lead to an increase in dividend yield. And now it is forbidden to short Russian shares., which also affects the price of securities.

No data yet, when the rest of the shares and depositary receipts will start trading on the Moscow Exchange. Besides, unknown, will it soon be possible to make transactions with bonds, except for already traded OFZs, and exchange-traded funds.

25 March will again be held bidding 33 shares from the Mosbirzhi index — with 09:50 to 14:00. Short sales will again be banned. There will also be auctions of OFZ with 09:50 to 18:50.

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