How DataGroup Steals Money

It all started with the fact that DataGroup started to incorrectly credit money for the phone and the Internet. Since the account is not one, and separately for the phone and the Internet. Payments for the Internet began to fall for the phone, and vice versa with the phone. As a result, I had a situation in which the debt for the Internet is equal to the overpayment for the phone.

I want to note that in the notes to the payment, it was always strictly indicated what was written in the corresponding receipt.

This is where the problems began., I called the subscriber department (044 585-00-08) and told the situation, asked to facilitate the resolution and asked how to pay so that it would be credited correctly. It turns out that you can pay correctly through the, because everything is automatic there. And through the bank they make payments in «toy interface» проводят.

And then strange things began to happen.

As you can see from the receipt for the phone on 31.05.2011 I have a balance 220,82 UAH. Means on 30.06.2011 taking into account the payment of the monthly fee останется 185,47 UAH. Look further…

On the contrary, the debt for the Internet 85,76, and in June I have to pay some more 85,76 абонплаты за месяц. Total we have 171,52 UAH. you need to pay to 30.06.2011 there were no debts.

Now we count 185,47 UAH. left over from the overpayment for the phone – 171,52 UAH. Internet debt = 13,95 UAH. positive balance at the end of June (30.06.2011).

In July, I continued to deal with this issue and naturally did not want to pay until I settled an incomprehensible situation. But still I will say in july i have to pay 85,76 for the Internet And 35,35 UAH. – 13,95 UAH. = 21.40 UAH. for the phone.

What i did 19.07.2011 through the WebMoney system, after checking that payments are made correctly by paying for the phone.

  Take-profit or not Take-profit -- that is the question!

But in the end I was not happy for long, at first everything was ok, money passed and there was no debt in the account. But a day later I decided to double-check and found this screen:

That hangs to this day. By contacting the subscriber department, I was promised to figure it out and call back, A week has passed, there was no call. I decided to call and clarify what is there with my question, to which I was told that it is your debt that needs to be paid.

Total for today comes out, for the phone I must have 0,60 UAH. (13,95 UAH. + 22 hrn.) overpayments, as in the WebMoney system you can pay only a multiple amount. For the internet 0,24 UAH. overpayments (86 UAH. – 85,76 hrn.).

But Datagroup has a different opinion. And I count them as thieves! It's not even that they stole a small amount, the fact is that they still STEALED her! Be careful and tell your friends, to prevent attempts at theft by Datagroup.

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