Site domain changed to Old domains

Unfortunately the old site domain and previous domain have to change to a new one . The company that protects the rights NYSE decided on a product brand, that I am using their brand illegally and wants to take them away. When I registered domains more 10 years ago, had no idea about it and never used their trademark for financial gain or misleading people.

I sincerely doubt, that they will leave them to me and sue them. According to US laws, most likely they will succeed. Therefore, I decided to change the main site domain to and redirect all pages to a new address. I hope this time will be enough for search engines to index, I don’t want to wait for everything to disappear for nothing.

For the NYSE, please take into account the precedent in the case Gioconda Law Group PLLC v. Kenzie behind 2012 year:

The consideration of the case lasted for almost a year. The reason for this was that, that the defendant did not use the domain in any way for profit. And according to the US anti-cybersquatting law (ACPA), this is a prerequisite for, to recognize a domain registration as malicious. Although, On the other hand, lack of commercial interest also does not exempt from liability for the seizure of a domain with the name of a foreign brand.

Just like the defendant, your trade name was not used in any way for profit or to confuse users.. The domain was used only as a personal blog and did not tarnish your reputation in any way, and I'm sorry, that you are so trying to take it for yourself. Without an opportunity, it will normally agree on the use of a domain address, and in the ultimatum form send letters.

P.s. The domain will be transferred to the third party and then it does not concern me at all free of charge without making a profit. Thank you all for your attention.

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