Researching nootropics or speeding up the brain

Researching nootropics or speeding up the brain
Researching nootropics or speeding up the brain

As a Habr subscriber, I really like to read articles in the GTD hub and about how people try to cope with the difficulties of organizing life and optimizing life processes that arise in their lives.. Someone even writes about successful tricks., invented by them or gleaned from various sources. In the majority, I think, similar articles are written on the wave of delight from the results obtained from the new method, but over time, the wave subsides and you have to look for new options.

myself, just like many other people, subject to similar wave processes. But in my life I noticed one phenomenon in the human body, expressed in the fact, that most of the negative effects of life, be it procrastination, apathy, depression, etc., occur against the background of disturbances within the brain processes. Such disorders can be triggered by various reasons - from physical head injury to concussion (as in my case) before the negative impact of the environment.

All these violations can occur in a mild form and a person, thinking, that he is healthy and he just does not have enough time to sleep, continues to be in such a disastrous state without knowing it. Смею предположить, that this condition is typical for most people. А в результате, due to hypoxic (oxygen deficiency) the state of the brain, a person continues to live in it, not thinking about the existence of a better life :)

Some time ago, I have come to the conclusion, that our brain needs constant "feeding" in the form of nootropics - drugs, having a direct activating effect on the work of the brain and drugs that improve cerebral circulation and thereby enhance the brain's resistance to hypoxic conditions. We should also note the existence of adaptogens - drugs of natural or artificial origin., capable of increasing the body's resistance in general and the brain in particular to the harmful effects of the environment. To such, tried by me, include Ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, bee products. By the way,, most liked the tincture of Rhodiola rosea. But this article will not talk about them..

Research methodology

Being itself susceptible to the negative processes in the brain described above, I have been using various drugs for a long time. Recently I decided to systematize the influence of certain, the drugs I use, on your well-being. As a result, this whole fascinating process resulted in a little research..

To start, I waited for another relapse of my brain deterioration after a long period without the use of various drugs. The general condition at the start of the study was characterized by almost daily headaches., sleepiness, periodic hypertension, lack of attention and crumpled consciousness. Against the background of physiological pathology, all the mental disorders described above were also available - procrastination, apathy, депрессия и др.

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Having studied the topic, I have compiled a list of possible drugs for use, of which immediately cut off those, which previously had little or no effect on me (for example, phenotropil) and added new, previously not used by me. I started to use the drugs at the dosage recommended in the instructions., correcting it for research purposes. First used drugs in monotherapy mode (one drug) to determine the positive and negative effects of individual drugs. Further, combining the two drugs, по-возможности, with non-overlapping effects to define additive effects.

Research results

The results of the study are presented grouped for each drug used, with a description of the effects that have arisen separately., and in combination with other drugs.

All the effects of drugs are manifested to a greater extent with general poor health.. After a few days of taking drugs, when the general condition improves, the effects become less pronounced.


Most of the effects are observed at a dosage of 2 ml. At a dosage of 1 ml or after passing the half-excretion period, the effects are halved, either cease to work. When the dosage is increased to 5 ml, the effects are not enhanced, thus a sufficient therapeutic dosage of 2ml.

  • contains stimulants of adrenaline production by the body (the effect is manifested through 30-60 min. after admission);
  • the systemic reaction of space perception increases (unlike piracetam);
  • there is a feeling of the need to control space and what is happening around, disappears indifference to what is happening around. I want to control every detail of events around (example, the desire to go around all the holes on the roads increases);
  • consistency and prudence are lost. As in the previous example with a detour of holes on the road, it disappears (or eclipsed) rationality (логичность) the need for these actions;
  • the feeling of predicting events disappears, up to a very short interval (few seconds). Example, on the road you start to rush from lane to lane in the hope of overtaking someone (кого? because everyone travels in parallel). At the same time, you cannot predict the situation on 5 seconds ahead, if a, for example, they drive slower in front of the other lane, and in the end it will be faster to arrive in your own lane, you still change lanes;
  • increased competitive feeling (for example, when driving a car, who will start faster and arrive at the next red traffic light);
  • there is a feeling to do everything here and now. The very first thought overwhelms the attention of all consciousness. You begin to focus only on it and try to quickly implement it, do something right now;
  • the parallelism of internal discussion of different ideas disappears. They just don't pop up in consciousness, because. just one thought overshadows him. There is no parallelism of thinking, fixation on some kind of inner thought;
  • feeling procrastinated, only temporarily overshadowed by increased attention to any idea or action amid adrenaline. This creates mixed feelings., kind of like energy here it is, I want to quickly and implement a lot of actions (exactly action, want to do something, not think), and at the same time, inside there is laziness to think about something at all, come up with new ideas. There is no desire to finish some old business. There is no action plan to end old cases;
  • conciseness disappears. This text was written under the influence of Cerebrolysin in the first 60 min. I want to write and write, describe everything in detail. Inner thinking disappears, which could formulate the main idea in a few precise words. At the same time it seems, what if you don't write down all the details now, then there will be an irreparable loss of knowledge and there will be nothing to convey to the reader in the future :)
  • memory of the past improves. It becomes possible to remember what you felt, what did you think or what conclusions did you come to in the past?, if you forgot to write down on time;
  • (???) irritability decreases;
  • fear decreases.
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Cerebrolyzate (Cerebrolysin analogue)

  • increased migraine headaches, predominantly on one side or center of the head.

Application terminated early.

Piracetam (Fezam)

  • increases the reaction of motor functions (unlike cerebrolysin), for example, catching the ball;
  • a noticeable increase in irritability turning into psycho, duration 36h;
  • after 36h (?) or after exercise (?) mood rises, irritability is slightly reduced. It becomes possible to control outbursts of emotions, but it is still possible to be irritated by external factors.


  • irritability is reliably reduced, even from small doses (10-15 mg);
  • increased migraine pain.


  • headache passes, associated with vasospasm;
  • dissatisfaction with the behavior of others, requiring them to comply with the rules (for example, Traffic rules on the road, instructions in the office) and consistency in their actions (seems, that people are idiots :)
  • (???, perhaps this is the effect of cerebrolysin or vazobral) non-global optimism decreases. I don't want to take any action, because. it seems that nothing will work out anyway.


  • across 8 hours idea generation, new creative thoughts keep coming to mind, just have time to write it down;
  • the appearance of mild heart pain;
  • fading memory, including short-term;
  • the feeling of forecasting external situations and the thoughtfulness of the influence of current actions on the future is enhanced. Increased consistency of actions;
  • increased caution;
  • increased personal optimism, seems, that here you are on the threshold of a new era, there are so many unknowns ahead, what to open, I want to create and create, seems, that I will change the whole world;
  • later 8 hours (for example, at night reception, then in the morning) спокойствие, a sense of peace, lack of irritability;
  • (??? maybe, this is the effect of cerebrolysin) increased sense of nostalgia, old things remind of bygone years and all the good, what was in them. I would like to revisit old favorite films.

Vasobral + Picamilon (1 T + 25mg)

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Most of the effects appear later 30-60 minutes after taking.

  • intensification of feelings (обоняние, skin sensitivity);
    change in the nature of sensations, including painful, about, like after sumatriptan;
  • the presence of minor migraine headaches;
  • the appearance of mild heart pain;
  • extinction of short-term memory;
  • presence of energy;
  • the feeling of procrastination is dulled due to the energy-giving effect of vazobral (кофеина);
  • inadequate assessment of the external environment due to narrowing of the field of mental vision (for example, a person crossing the road is almost invisible);
  • errors in recognition of visual images, visuals seem to be something else (for example, light reflections on the glass while driving a car seem to be people running through);
  • no influence on the reaction;
  • спутанность сознания;
  • difficulty in verbally articulating thoughts;
  • heat in the head and cheeks, about, like after sumatriptan.

Application terminated early.

Vasobral + Cerebrolysin

  • душевная доброта, I want to do good to people, помогать им, try to be polite;
  • the negative effects of both drugs persist, but in a less pronounced form, positive effects remain in full, if the other drug from the pair does not overlap them with its negative effects.


Among the drugs used, Cerebrollysin and Vasobral were noted as the best qualities.. Their complex application makes it possible to reduce the negative effects of each of them separately and preserve the positive effects..

All nootropics have one quality - they are cumulative.. So it doesn't make much difference to take 10 days at a standard dose, or 50 days to 1/5 дозы. The main thing is to collect the total amount of nootropic in the body. Small doses are easier to tolerate and fewer side effects..

I continue to be in search of a tablet from the movie "Fields of Darkness" :)

link to the original article

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